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  • Merck Vioxx Litigation Score Card
    Sep-14-06 New Orleans, LA In the homestretch leading up to the latest trial in New Orleans, the score in the Vioxx litigation was 5 to 4 in favor of Merck. However, in mid-August, 2006, a New Jersey victory for Merck was thrown out reversing the score to 5 to 4 in favor of plaintiffs. But none of the winning plaintiffs should count their chickens before they...
  • Pfizer Celebrex Lawsuits - 1500 and Counting
    Sep-4-06 The first Celebrex trial, originally set for June 6, 2006, has been delayed indefinitely, reportedly to give attorneys more time to gather information. Although no new trial date has been set, legal analysts now predict that Celebrex trials will begin in early 2007. The delay was requested by a federal judge in San Francisco, where Pfizer is facing around...
  • UnumProvident: another Tactic to avoid Payouts
    Aug-29-06 Unumprovident insurance company employs just about every trick in the book to avoid disability benefit payouts. Nancy King of Dewitt, Michigan got the run-around after she had an injury at work and applied for benefits that she was entitled to according to her policy. "I worked for a general nutrition center (GNC) and I didn't think it would be necessary...
  • Big Pharma Bankrupting US Health Care System
    Aug-29-06 ig Pharma is bankrupting the nation's health care system by convincing prescribing doctors to over-medicate patients with expensive psychiatric drugs and then send the bills to government programs like Medicaid and Medicare. The peddling of the new generation of psychiatric drugs that include the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants (S...
  • Spotlight Focused On Pfizer's Lipitor Follies
    Aug-27-06 According to the book, "Health Myths Exposed," by former pharmaceutical chemist turned whistleblower, Shane Ellison, "When used as prescribed, pharmaceutical drugs kill more people than terrorism, car crashes, AIDS, and street drugs combined." Although many health care professionals have come forward in recent years with warnings that prescription drugs a...
  • Fear of Medical Malpractice suits: Does it affect the reporting of Errors?
    Aug-23-06 Despite the fact that their patients' lives are in their hands, not all doctors would tell patients about every error they made. In fact, a surprising number might not tell their patients at all, especially if they thought the patient would not notice the mistake. However, whether or not a fear of medical malpractice suits has any influence over the decis...
  • Lawmakers sever ties between CDC and Big Pharma
    Aug-21-06 In the wake of overhauling the FDA, lawmakers are also cracking down on conflicts of interest within the Centers for Disease Control. Last month, Representatives, Dr Dave Weldon (R-FL), and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), held a press conference to announce the introduction of a bill that would give responsibility for vaccine safety to an independent agency withi...
  • DES Miscarriage Drug linked to more Cancer
    Aug-20-06 Over the years, DES has been linked to various forms of cancer and reproductive problems in both male and female children born to women who took the drug. For years, it has been associated with cervical cancer and a rare vaginal cancer in younger women, but since 2002, studies have linked DES to breast cancer as well. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthe...
  • Advice to Employers: Pay workers now rather than Later
    Aug-12-06 "Employers would be well advised to compensate their employees before they are taken to court," says Tom Emmitt, head litigation attorney at United Employees Law Group, PC. "Employer's biggest fears are class action and individual lawsuits. We will take the employer to court and collect not only back wages and overtime owed, but a variety of penalties and...
  • Merck keeps right on pushing Fosamax
    Aug-11-06 New York, NY Merck's second-best selling drug, Fosamax , has been linked to jaw bone death, although sales of the drug remain steady with no decrease whatsoever. Jaw bone deth is a condition that can involve severe pain, infection, loose teeth, exposed bone, loss of function and disfigurement, according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofa...
  • Boston Scientific inherits Guidant Heart Device Lawsuits
    Aug-1-06 According to the FDA, the reason there are not more deaths reported in patients implanted with Guidant's defective defibrillators is because most patients die outside the clinic or hospital and the devices are not sent back to the manufacturer to be checked. On June 23, 2006, Bloomberg News reported that Guidant's Contak Renewal devices might fail about 1...
  • Boston Scientific Won Guidant - What A Prize
    Jul-24-06 In the second quarter of 2006, Boston Scientific may have lost 27% of its value, but in the first quarter, it did win a nearly two month bidding war with Johnson and Johnson over the heart device maker, Guidant, with a bid of $27.5 billion for the grand prize. It probably seemed like a great deal when the bidding started. Guidant's heart device division...
  • TeenScreen - Prescription Drug Pusher In Schools
    Jul-17-06 Whenever a TeenScreen article appears in the mainstream media, it never discusses the fact that the survey is being used to label children with any number of mental illnesses. The point needs to be made that this so-called "suicide prevention tool" has a lofty purpose alright, but caring about whether or not kids commit suicide ain't it. According to atto...
  • Not Exempt from Overtime
    Jul-13-06 "We negotiated a settlement for my unpaid overtime but I turned down their final offer - the college wanted me to resign. It's not my fault that I was misclassified as exempt. Why should I resign? This third offer wasn't even enough to cover the overtime they owed me. "I'm going to fight to the end, all the way to trial if need be," says Susan James (not...
  • Bush's Mental Illness Screening Squad On the Move
    Jul-9-06 The tax dollar funded mental health screening programs popping up in every corner of the nation represent an enormous gift to Big Pharma from the Bush administration. After all, drug companies can't push drugs without a lucrative customer base, so the screening programs are a great solution for that little problem. On April 29, 2002, Bush kicked off th...
  • Risk of Harm from Motrin, Aleve, Advil - Better Odds in a Crap Shoot
    Jun-30-06 Complications from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAID, have been linked to 103,000 hospitalizations and more than 16,000 deaths per year in the US, according to a study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. A lack of information, experts say, is the root cause of the lack of concern over the health risks associated with NSAIDs. A...
  • ACE Inhibitors should have been Banned for Pregnant Women
    Jun-10-06 In a group of 209 babies born to women taking ACE inhibitors in the early stages of pregnancy, a recent study published in the June 8, 2006 New England Journal of Medicine, reported that 18 or 7.1% of the infants, were born with serious birth defects. Data for the study were obtained from the Tennessee Medicaid database for the years between 1985 and 2000...
  • Ortho Evra Patch Maker Johnson & Johnson Waves A White Flag
    Jun-3-06 On May 2, 2006, Johnson & Johnson attorney, Susan Sharko, wrote to New Jersey Superior Court Judge, Peter Bariso, to inform the court that the company had reached confidential settlements with 11 of the 12 plaintiffs involved in litigation in New Jersey. Less than a month earlier, on April 9, 2006, the New York Post reported that women who suffered life-t...
  • Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Help Send Kids To Prison
    May-29-06 In 2003, the pharmaceutical industry passed out $16.4 billion worth of free drug samples to doctors. These so-called free samples are literally killing people. Two young lads who were lucky enough to get free samples of Zoloft are now sitting in prison. After visits to their family doctors, Christopher Pittman and Zachary Schmidkunz were both sent home wi...
  • Asbestos Poisoning: why weren't they told?
    May-25-06 "I feel like I have been shafted. Nobody, not even our government, told us the dangers of asbestos and now my life is on the line. I don't have workers compensation because I am an independent contractor. I don't know who else to go after, or what to do." Zonolite Jim Hopkins from Coleman, Alberta is an electrician. He rewired a bunch of old houses in...
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