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  • Legal ADHD Speed - Becoming Drug Of Choice For Americans
    Mar-21-06 A study published online in the February 2006, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, that examined data from a 2002 survey of about 67,000 households, estimates that more than 7 million Americans have misused stimulant drugs meant to treat ADHD, and "substantial numbers of teenagers and young adults appear to show signs of addiction, according to a compreh...
  • Reviewing ADHD Drugs - FDA Goes Through the Motions
    Mar-12-06 Some of the top-selling drugs of all time are those prescribed to treat attention deficit disorders. Drug companies have physicians in every field of medicine pushing these medications and dole out millions of dollars worth of free samples each year to make sure they are passed out like candy. A new ADHD drug is set to come on the market that supposedly c...
  • Psych Drugs - Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers
    Feb-21-06 Although peddling psychiatric drugs for off-label treatment of every ailment known to man is highly profitable, it is also illegal. Marketing schemes that increase the rates at which drugs are prescribed for off-label use, result in the sale of drugs that have not been proven safer or superior to FDA approved medications already on the market. That said,...
  • Strattera - 130 Reports Of Suicidality In One Month
    Feb-15-06 A not yet released discussion paper written by the British Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, reveals that last fall, there were 130 reports of suicidality in a single month by patients treated with the attention deficit drug Strattera. In addition, the paper reveals that there have also been more than 760 spontaneous reports of cardiac disorders...
  • ADHD Drugs - Cash Cow For Pharma
    Feb-13-06 "Our society viewed with loathing those who 'pushed' stimulant drugs on children," says child psychiatrist Dr Peter Breggin. "Yet today, there are more children taking Ritalin and amphetamines from doctors than ever received them from illegal pushers," he says. "Parents and teachers and even doctors have been badly misled by drug company marketing practic...
  • Poisoning In the Womb - SSRIs
    Feb-9-06 New research has linked the use of SSRIs during pregnancy to a complication in newborns of a rare but life-threatening lung problem, according to this month's New England Journal of Medicine. Infants born to women who took the drugs in the second half of their pregnancy, had 6 times the risk of developing the disorder, the researchers reported. Only a cou...
  • Your Car Could Be Killing You
    Feb-8-06 Next time you notice that "clean car smell", hold your breath and roll down the windows. A study by the Ecology Centre in Michigan has linked car interiors with toxic chemicals, specifically PBDEs, which are used as flame retardants, and phthalates, used to soften PVC plastics. These chemicals are used to make seat cushions, armrests, floor coverings,...
  • Adderall's Rollercoaster Year
    Jan-26-06 Shire Pharmaceuticals is the global market leader in the sale of attention deficit drugs with the products Adderall , an instant-release amphetamine introduced in 1996, and Adderall XL, a timed-release version of the drug, introduced in 2001. Adderall and Adderal XL are the top selling attention deficit treatments in the US. In 2004, Shire captured 28%...
  • Tissue Transplant Investigation
    Jan-18-06 Authorities are investigating the use of tissue and bone transplants from improperly screened donors. The FDA issued an alert to physicians, hospitals and tissue processing plants that tissue received from Biomedical Tissue Services, Ltd. (BTS) in Ft. Lee, New Jersey may not have met FDA donor requirements and may contain infectious diseases such as HIV, Hep...
  • Chaparral Restrictions in Canada
    Jan-3-06 A warning to consumers not to take products containing chaparral (chapparal) has been issued by [ Health Canada ]. The herb chaparral is found in tea, loose leaves, capsules or bulk herbal products and is mainly sold in health food stores. In Canada, the manufacturers/importers are asking retailers to remove products containing chaparral from their she...
  • Kaizen Ephedrine HCL tablets Warning
    Jan-2-06 Health Canada issued a warning December 28th, 2005 to consumers of Kaizen Ephedrine HCL tablets. These so-called "safe" weight loss or increased energy tablets have now been linked to serious medical problems, ranging from severe headaches to seizures, heart attacks and strokes. Two days later, the FDA told manufacturers of dietary supplements...
  • How Paxil can Ruin Lives: One Woman's Story
    Dec-13-05 An [ FDA Alert ] (December 8, 2005) states that Paxil should not be taken by pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant. Unfortunately, this warning has come too late for many women and their families. Paxil has not only caused the death of infants, it has also destroyed the lives of countless women who were prescribed this medication during or pri...
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