Toxic Herbicide Paraquat Lawsuit Claims and Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

. By LAS Staff Writer

Many lawsuits filed against the makers of Paraquat allege that the pesticide's manufacturer failed to warn users about the substance's potential health risks.

Paraquat is a commercial herbicide widely used in the United States. Farmers have had access to it since 1962, and it is known as "gramoxone" in the country. It is used to control and kill weeds in cotton, potato, sugarcane, soybean, and vegetable varieties. This herbicide contains extremely toxic properties, which can be fatal to humans if consumed directly. Paraquat is also used as a post-harvest drying agent.

Because of the high toxic levels in this herbicide, it can only be applied, loaded, and mixed by trained and certified experts. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers certain training programs which certify a person eligible to use paraquat on cropping fields.

Lawsuits Against Paraquat

Many lawsuits filed against the makers of Paraquat allege that the pesticide's manufacturer failed to warn users about the substance's potential health risks.

Have you or a loved one been exposed to this toxic chemical? If so, you may be able to file paraquat lawsuits against the manufacturer to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other losses related to medical conditions you've developed as a result of your exposure. Product Liability Lawyers have extensive experience helping clients navigate lawsuits against large corporations and would be happy to work with you to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

Risk of Parkinson’s Disease-Paraquat Lawsuit

Paraquat dichloride, also known as Paraquat, has been used as an herbicide by farmers in the United States since the 1960s. Leading agrochemical manufacturing companies like Chevron Chemicals and Growmark, based in Texas and Illinois, respectively, sell this herbicide agent. Paraquat was used on over a hundred different crops across the country, and it was one of the most widely used herbicides until recent discoveries. Experiments in Southern California confirmed that MPTP, a prodrug used as a heroin contaminant, can cause Parkinson's disease. The study found that MPTP destroys dopamine neurons, the same damage faced by patients with Parkinson's disease. Paraquat was sued because its chemical composition is similar to MPTP. Paraquat lawyers have assisted affected individuals in filing lawsuits against this herbicide to speed up the process of banning it.

Paraquat Exposure And Prevention

Since 1964, the chemical has been used to control weeds and as a post-harvest agent on over 100 crops. In 2016, over 7 million pounds of paraquat were sprayed across the country. Despite being one of the most widely used herbicides, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers paraquat even more toxic than Roundup and other herbicides. Paraquat is a highly toxic herbicide. A single tablespoonful of paraquat (10ml) can be fatal. Most victims do not survive paraquat poisoning because there is no known antidote. 

Paraquat's alternate names

Paraquat may also be sold under the names Parazone, Devour, Quick-Quat, Blanco Gramoxone, Helmquat, or Firestorm.

In the United States, paraquat is mostly available in liquid form, but it is classified as "restricted" by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Agricultural workers, landscapers, and other individuals and businesses must have a license to use this product.

Paraquat affecting globally

From South Africa to Fiji, almost every country that used paraquat saw hundreds of fatal poisonings each year. In Sri Lanka, paraquat poisoning killed 65% more people than other agrochemicals combined. The fatality rates of most other herbicides are only 4% to 8%. While the exact number of paraquat-related deaths is unknown, University of Edinburgh Clinical Toxicology Professor Michael Eddleston estimates that tens of thousands have died. In addition to poisoning, paraquat exposure can lead to Parkinson's disease, severe burns, cancer, and various congenital disabilities. According to one study, young adult weed-killer victims had a 200 to 600% increased risk of Parkinson's Disease.  

How Paraquat Harms Our Bodies

The degree of poisoning and damage caused by paraquat to a person's body is determined by the exposure route, amount, and duration. It also depends on the person's health at the time of exposure. For example, someone with an underlying health condition may have more severe symptoms than someone who does not.   If consumed or exposed to it in large amounts, paraquat can cause serious damage to the intestines, stomach, and mouth lining. It is then circulated throughout the body, causing toxicity reactions that can harm the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Long-term health effects of paraquat exposure include lung damage, heart failure, kidney failure, and Parkinson's disease.


If you or a loved one has been exposed to paraquat and are experiencing health problems, you should speak with a product liability attorney. Although no amount of money can compensate you for your pain and suffering, you may be able to seek monetary damages in a product liability lawsuit against the responsible paraquat manufacturer.

Paraquat Legal Help

If you or a loved one have suffered losses in this case, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to a defective products lawyer who may evaluate your Paraquat claim at no cost or obligation.