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Lysteda Legal News Articles & Interviews

Women Must Be Aware of Lysteda Side Effects

Women Must Be Aware of Lysteda Side Effects March 8, 2012. By Heidi Turner.
Portland, OR Women who suffer from heavy monthly bleeding may be happy to learn that the Lysteda drug can help with their bleeding, if they are willing to withstand the reported Lysteda side effects. Those side effects apparently include an increased risk of Lysteda blood clots and problems with vision, meaning women who take the medication should be aware of the signs to watch out for and seek medical help if necessary.
Read [ Women Must Be Aware of Lysteda Side Effects ]

Risks Flow with Menstrual Drug Lysteda

Risks Flow with Menstrual Drug Lysteda January 27, 2012. By Gordon Gibb.
Washington, DC Heavy menstrual bleeding is a sufficient-enough issue for some women to consider surgery, such as a hysterectomy, to stem the flow and related health issues once and for all. That said, the pharmaceutical industry could always be counted on to propose and provide medicinal options to such challenges, in spite of the potential for drug side effects. A little over two years ago, Lysteda was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of menorrhagia (heavy periods).
Read [ Risks Flow with Menstrual Drug Lysteda ]

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