Kugel Mesh Patch "Not Doing Its Job"

. By Heidi Turner

Barbara F. is waiting to have the Kugel Mesh Patch taken out of her abdomen. Ever since she had hernia repair surgery, she has had problems with the hernia patch. She says her doctor has now decided that the patch needs to come out, but he is concerned that the Kugel Mesh has caused internal problems.

"I still have the Kugel Mesh Patch in me," Barbara says. "My problems with the mesh started right away after surgery. I had other hernia repairs before this mesh was put in me. With this last surgery, I thought it was just my age. I thought I was just getting older and so it was harder for me to get out of the hospital and walk around.

"A few weeks after I went home from the hernia surgery, my stomach was hurting me. It felt unusual around my belly button—I knew something was not right. I saw the surgeon and he drew a big syringe of fluid from my stomach. I've never had that done before.

"I have asthma and bronchitis and because of that, I have a deep, dry cough. Since that surgery, whenever I cough, it feels like something pops out in my stomach. I have to bend over and pop it back in. I saw the surgeon for that and he examined me and said, 'That is the Kugel Mesh and it's not doing its job.'

"The surgeon decided that the mesh has to come out. I know for certain that I have the Kugel Mesh implanted because I called the surgeon to find out for sure. The documents on my previous hernia surgeries just say 'mesh,' but the documents for the last surgery says, 'Kugel Mesh.'

"I asked the doctor about the problem with the mesh and said that there is a ring in the Kugel Mesh and it is supposed to help the mesh be flexible and pop up and down, but the ring is defective. That is why people have trouble with it.

"The surgeon said that I would probably have to have a blood transfusion in this next surgery because my stomach and liver have probably grown together because of the mesh. So, he will have to cut them apart. I also have to sign a paper for the mesh so that the mesh is held as legal proof that it is defective.

"This has affected my day-to-day life. Ever since my surgery, the area around my belly button is always tender and hurt. I have discomfort all around my abdominal wall. I feel drained all the time—I have no energy. Whenever I cough, something is popping out in my stomach. I feel different than I did with the previous surgeries. I did not have any problems before.

"People need to get their medical information so that they know what is going on in their bodies. It's not the surgeon's fault—he used what was in the operating rooms. But, there are a lot of things that you're not told, like what type of mesh is being used. Get your information and keep copies of it for yourself, so you know what is happening."