Study: Denture Cream Can Cause Zinc Overdose

. By Charles Benson

According to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland, denture cream and adhesives can cause zinc overdoses, potentially leading to serious neurological damage.

The Baltimore Sun reports that the study shows that zinc in some denture adhesives is associated with such neurological issues and blood damage, at least for patients who use too much of the cream too often.

Faculty members at the university said that the link in the study "should be a matter of concern for all dentists caring for denture patients...Dentists should admonish their patients to limit their use of denture adhesives in accordance with manufacturers' instructions."

According to the news provider, similar reports about the link between denture adhesives and zinc poisoning began to appear in 2008. Additionally, the US Food and Drug Administration said last month that it has received a number of reports regarding the link.

Lawsuits associated with zinc poisoning and denture cream have been filed in the US, including against the makers of Fixodent.

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