Court of Appeals Dismisses Nurse's Claim Against Unum Insurance

. By Charles Benson

The Eleventh Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals has sided with Unum Insurance in a case against a retired nurse who was attempting to appeal an earlier decision that blocked her long-term disability benefits.

Naomi Knight received Unum disability insurance while employed as a nurse by Infirmary Health Systems. In October 2001 she received short-term disability benefits stemming from an allergic reaction to latex. Her condition continued through June 2002 and her claim was transferred to the insurer's long-term disability division, where it was promptly denied.

Knight appealed the decision and saw her benefits extended several months later.

In January 2005 Knight requested a reassessment of her claims for long-term disability benefits, which was denied due to the length of time elapsed since the initial claim - this despite an official letter from the Social Security Administration granting Knight continued benefits.

The district court found that Knight's claim came after the three-year statute of limitations on complaints written into her contract with the insurance provider.

Knight, who was seeking unpaid benefits and medical costs, will be unable to pursue legal further action on the matter.

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