Exercises Key in Avoiding Shoulder Injury

. By Charles Benson

As there are a number of different causes for a shoulder injury, it can be extremely helpful to perform some specific strengthening exercises, according to Colin Hoobler, who practices physical therapy at c.h. Physical Therapy in Oregon.

In a recent article in the Oregonian, Hoobler explains that one's risk of shoulder injury increases dramatically without these exercises as "weak muscles can't stabilize your upper arm bone against your shoulder blade, allowing excessive motion between the two and encroaching on sensitive structures."

While Hoobler says there are a number of physical therapy exercises that can promote shoulder stability, it is important for people to first get an exam from an orthopedist who specializes in the shoulder.

Hoobler cites John Austin, an orthopedist in Oregon, who says "a medical diagnosis from a specialist is often necessary to rule out more serious problems related to the shoulder and to ensure appropriate treatment, even when imaging studies are normal."

One exercise that Hoobler says can help strengthen the shoulder is called "the wall press," which involves standing against a wall and sliding one's arms up, while keeping the back and pelvis on the wall.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, standard shoulder injury treatment involves rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE).

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