Chantix: "I'd Rather Die from Lung Cancer than Kill Myself"

. By Heidi Turner

It's a choice that many people do not realize they are making: the risk of developing lung cancer versus the risk of committing suicide while taking Chantix. Admittedly, many people try to quit smoking so they can lower their risk of lung cancer—but they do not realize that, depending on their means of quitting smoking, they may be increasing their risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. Sandi P. is lucky she figured out what was happening before it was too late.

"I went to my doctor, obviously, to quit smoking," Sandi says. "She told me that this [Chantix] is the best medicine out there. So I took it. The first week, you can smoke and I was actually barely smoking. I felt okay. On the second week, you have to take 2 pills. We [Sandi and her husband] were at a funeral and I said, 'I'm not feeling well.' I thought it was my anxiety—I felt dizzy and not all there.

"I started the Chantix on a Tuesday and the first week went Tuesday to Tuesday. The following Sunday, I ended up on my bed with my computer looking into how to commit suicide. I was looking for the easiest way possible. I did that for 3 hours. I didn't talk to anybody about it and I'm usually the type of person to tell everybody about this stuff.

"I thought that it had to be the Chantix, so I haven't taken it since. I'm not the type to want to commit suicide. My life is great—I have 5 kids. I thought I was the only crazy person, until I saw a commercial about the drug.

"When I was taking it [Chantix] I wasn't feeling right. I put it off to anxiety, but my anxiety doesn't make me feel that way. It was really scary, but luckily I knew where it came from. I was only on it for a week and a half—I didn't play around with it once I knew what was happening. I got off the medication and never looked back."

Sandi says she smoked for 7 years but was not a heavy smoker—a pack of cigarettes can last her for 3 days. She also says she experienced suicidal thoughts as a teenager, but nothing as strong or intense as what she experienced while taking Chantix.

"I was looking for the least pain and the quietest way to commit suicide without anybody knowing," Sandi says. "The thing is, all my kids were in the other room and my husband was at work. It wasn't really me; I wasn't in control. I finally put the computer down that day and decided to mellow out. I had to keep my mind away from thinking those [suicidal] thoughts. I decided I'd better smoke. I'd rather die from lung cancer than kill myself.

"It took awhile to get the not feeling well out of my system. There was dizziness and I just didn't feel right. I don't know how to explain it. It's like, the world is going on around you and you're kind of there. But, the suicidal thoughts were gone.

"When I saw the ads on television about Chantix I said to my husband, 'I thought I was going crazy.' He told me to call the lawyers, which he never says. I went online to get more information.

"I just want doctors to know about this. I told my doctor but she thought I was crazy because her other patients didn't have that problem. I'm really honest, but not everyone will say something about their problems. The thing is, I wasn't on it for very long, so it doesn't take long for [Chantix] to do those things.

"I would hate for someone to commit suicide over quitting smoking."