Verbal Abuse Intolerable

. By Jane Mundy

"I just got so fed up with my boss calling me names, always yelling and screaming at me," says Brian Huggins. "I tried to walk out so many times and then he would just say sorry, as if apologizing would solve everything."

The California Labor Law regards verbal abuse in the workplace as harassment.

Well, saying sorry is a step in the right direction but in some cases, it's like putting a bandage on a bullet wound. Brian's boss hurled verbal abuse at him at least three times a week; his behavior was so out-of-control and venomous that he actually spat on Brian; all the shop neighbors knew about it and it was demoralizing for Brian. "Because of the economy I really needed the job; the classifieds aren't really full of ads looking for diamond salespeople," says Brian. "Besides, I really enjoyed the job and I love working in retail, but I couldn't stand him; my self-esteem was way low."

"One day my boss brought his daughter into the store. She had been crying and had to use the bathroom. He told her to wait, then he started yelling at me, at the top of his lungs. I was concerned about his daughter but I was at my breaking point. 'I'm outa here,' I said; grabbed my backpack and left, this time for good. It took some time to get my last paycheck; finally I went to the store with a few friends so he wouldn't start screaming again.

I want to tell you my story because I want people to know that it isn't OK, no matter how much pressure or had bad the job is, for people to treat others this way in the work environment. They should be reported. I actually did report this guy, at the California Board of Labor. I later found out that he had numerous complaints lodged against him; why the board of labor never did anything about it is beyond me. I found out through my synagogue that he had treated other employees with so much disrespect.

Everyone should know that verbally abusive behavior in the workplace doesn't need to be tolerated; personally, I think there should be laws against it."

Actually Brian, there is a law against verbal abuse. Just ask an attorney...

Workplace violence includes:Bullying and verbal harassment in the workplace is more prevalent than sexual harassment and racial discrimination. Repeated hurtful interpersonal mistreatment of an employee can be likened to domestic violence, causing emotional distress and deep psychological problems.

California Employment Legal Help

If your employer has been abusive, or failed to pay you for overtime, please send your complaint to a [California Labor Law] lawyer who will evaluate your claim for free.