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Mutual Fund Losses Lawyer Interviews

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Lawyer Interviews provide in-depth legal news and information based on professional interviews with a lawyer specializing in the lawsuit being discussed. These interviews are meant to provide potential claimants with information needed to determine if they should also pursue a legal claim for injuries or losses they may have sustained in a similar case.

Mutual Funds Losses Linked to Internet Gambling

Mutual Funds Losses Linked to Internet Gambling February 5, 2009. By Heidi Turner.
New York, NY It is one thing to suffer mutual fund losses when the economy has taken a downturn and everyone is in the same boat. However, it is another situation entirely when your mutual fund loses money because it was invested in companies that were involved in illegal activity. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens—some mutual funds invested in shady companies, and when regulators shut the operations down, the mutual fund investors lose big time.
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