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Lawyer Directory - Pennsylvania

Please select a lawyer from below for a free case evaluation regarding your class action, personal injury, unpaid overtime, defective product, insurance fraud, or dangerous drugs and medical device legal problem.

TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers

TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm with a track record of success. If you've been injured due to no fault of your own, call them today for a free consultation.
434 West Olney Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19120

The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C.

Greg Prosmushkin Contact this lawyer
At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., you can consult an experienced legal team for personal injury, auto accident, immigration issues, business legal hassles, and many other complex claims.
9637 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia, PA 19115

Rosen Justice

Rosen Justice is a personal injury law firm in center city Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
100 S Broad St, Ste 1519 Philadelphia, PA 19110

Stark & Stark

Ian S. Abovitz Contact this lawyer
A severe car accident can reshape your life, leaving you injured, burdened with substantial medical expenses, and grappling with income loss. Our Pennsylvania car accident lawyers are here to assist.
777 Township Line Road, Suite 120 Yardley, PA 19067
Pennsylvania Legal Help

Pennsylvania Bar Associations
Pennsylvania Bar Association
The Pennsylvania Bar Institute
Allegheny County Bar Association
Delaware County Bar Association
Lancaster Bar Association
Montgomery Bar Association
Philadelphia Bar Association

ADD YOUR FIRM TO THIS DIRECTORY ("LAS") has not evaluated the individuals or firms listed, and makes no endorsement or recommendation concerning any attorney or firm listed. LAS cannot warrant that information herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in this listing, whatever the cause. LAS recommends that before retaining any attorney, individuals make their own inquiry into the qualifications and experience of the attorney.

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