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Cytotec: Used by Doctors Off-Label to Induce Labor

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Southbury, CTTammey Dickerson is a Registered Nurse who works in the delivery room. Although she has never personally used Cytotec, she has seen it administered by doctors for off-label use in order to induce labor. Dickerson says that she has seen Cytotec cause uterine rupture, placental abruption, and "violent, rapid labors with poor fetal heart tracing," when used to induce labor. Unfortunately, she also says that doctors will not admit that they have used the drug, or that it can cause such serious problems for mothers and their babies.

This is what Dickerson has to say about Cytotec and the doctors who use it:

Cytotec off label"Cytotec (misoprostol) is not approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for use in pregnant women but it is used to induce labor and meant to soften the cervix. To use it, you insert a 25 mg tablet into the patient's vagina in order to induce labor. The problem is that once the tablet has been inserted you have no control over the pill.

A major problem is that when the first dose is given, there is no onset for up to twelve hours after that dose is administered. However, doctors give the patients doses every three to four hours. By the time twelve hours comes around the pills can have a cumulative effect.

It is not always twelve hours for onset. Some patients contract right away when given the tablet, some patients do not contract at all. Some patients have contractions but their cervix does not dilate, which leads to thinning of the uterus.

What happens in some women is that they start having too many contractions. Basically, more than five contractions in a ten-minute window are too many. It means that the placenta is not getting enough oxygen, which in turn means that the baby is not getting enough oxygen. We know that the baby does not actually breathe while in the womb, but the effect is similar to the baby gasping for air because it is not getting any oxygen.

Cytotec can also hyper-stimulate the patient, which can cause the placenta to abrupt off the uterus, causing the uterus to rupture. The baby is then no longer in the uterus, requiring an emergency c-section. Uterus abruption can cause fatality to the baby and/or the mother.

It takes a lot during the natural labor of a woman's first baby to cause the uterus to rupture, but it has happened at my facility twice. Both times the drug was used. Labor that involves (Cytotec) is somewhat violent and furious, not naturally produced.

Cytotec was meant to be used for ulcers, not for pregnant women. Because it is in tablet form, the drug cannot be controlled once administered. There is another medicine that we can use and it is given through an IV so it can be turned on or off at any time. The half life of that medicine is eight minutes, so we know eight minutes after shutting off the IV, the contractions will slow down, and eight minutes after that they will slow even further. With misoprostol (Cytotec) we do not know what the half-life is or how to control it.

You have to understand that there has not been any research done on the effects of Cytotec on pregnant women. The company that makes it (Searle) does not want it used to induce labor, so no research has been done. Everything that I say is based on what I saw; it's not based on studies.

Physicians do not tell patients that they've used this drug. They do not give the patients informed consent because what patient would agree to a drug that could cause abruption of the uterus? They say to the patient 'We'll just put this pill in and you'll have some contractions and then you'll have a baby.' But mothers can die from it.

In some places it is used because it is less expensive than other drugs. But it is also used for convenience. A lot of patients come in the morning and want to be done labor by the evening. It is a drug of choice for someone who has not given birth before.

Hospital policy is that contractions should only occur every two to three minutes for 60 seconds each. But that policy does not address patient pain or changes in the cervix. A patient could be contracting but a doctor will look at her and say 'her cervix didn't change,' or 'she's not in pain,' and so they give her more of the drug. But more contractions are not necessarily safe for either the patient or the baby. Some patients do not feel pain or contractions until they are four centimeters dilated, so pain and contractions do not really mean anything.

I find Cytotec to be very dangerous. Doctors say bad outcomes from it are all anecdotal, but nurses and midwives have different opinions. Every nurse I've worked with has something to say about this medicine. It has a huge warning on it 'Do not give this drug to pregnant women.' Physicians have been asked not to use it, but they continue to."

If you suffered serious side effects and believe Cytotec was used to induce labor, contact a lawyer to discuss your options.


Cytotec Legal Help

If you were given Cytotec to induce labor and suffered any of the above side effects, please send your story to a [Cytotec] lawyer who will review your claim at no charge or obligation.


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I was induced and i had afe with my daughter we almost died o. 02 21 2017 i dontnot rememeber anything i could thold or see my daughter for the first seven days i hate not remembering the best day. Of my life

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I just had a baby so iv bought tons of this product

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I am an RN BSN & Clinical Research Professional for over 20 years. Fact is Cytotec is NOT FDA approved for use in pregnant women for labor induction. AND Searle pharma issued an alert to physicians asking them NOT to use the medication for this purpose. Accusing women of "complaining" or looking for free money is a ludicrous & idiotic notion. Failure to inform &/or consent a woman regarding non-existent FDA approval AND potential risks is explicitly negligent if not overt malpractice. Physicians who use this drug to induce labor &/or ripen the cervix despite lack of FDA approval AND Searle's specific request NOT to use this drug for labor induction DESERVE to be sued when related complications arise. They are essentially experimenting on pregnant women with little to no safety clinical trial safety data using an unapproved drug. Money isn't even enough. They need to go to jail & lose their license to practice as well.

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my girlfriend had her cervix cytotec and did just fine. people stop complaining looking for free money

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As I'm writing this I'm sitting in the hospital with my wife who is on cytotec 50mg tiny pill inserted vaginally and is on her second dose already and reading what side effects are really making me concerned as we wernt told anything about it and no concent form only that we gonna induce labour..... Should anything happen to my child or wife so help me god due to a incompatant doctor

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They forced me to use cytotec, to induce labor that was already in natural progress. They wanted to speed it up. They made me sign a form saying I couldn't sue them over the use of the drug. Five hours into the drug, a placental abrutpion happened along with fast sharp contractions. I have had two pregnancies before this and they used pitocin. This really messed up everything.

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This Is very inaccurate. I am also a labor and delivery nurse and we have used cytotec to induce labor. Although the risks you listed are in fact accurate, everything else is not. Any time we use ANY type of medication/procedure, it is explained to the patient and the patient also has to sign a cytotec consent which lists any risks. I don't know if this has changed since you wrote this since I started working in L&D after 2007 but I wanted to make a point that this is very inaccurate in this day and age for people who may read this and feel they have been wronged. It is illegal to not inform a patient of treatment, like in this
Case using the pill for induction and where I work patients are informed and must sign a consent.

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i agreed to have this pill inserted,had no clue what the side effects were, my little boy who is almost ten now,my 5th child is now a product of a pill that could eventually destroy all he could be,what the freak are they thinking,the docto r told me my cervix wasnt thinning,they needed to insert the pill,my isaac has had so many mental and emotional problems,our children are not lab rats,the docs, and pharmacies should be totally ashamed,i put my faith in God and will never rely on drs again


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