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  • VA Disability FAQ
    What are VA benefits ? Veteran disability benefits are based on an illness or an injury that was either acquired or made worse while serving in the military. (The definition of a veteran is "A person who served in the active military, naval or air services, and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.") The co...
  • VA Disability - VA Benefits, Veterans Disability -
    VA disability benefits are often denied because veterans don't seek help from a qualified VA attorney. Veteran disabilities, including post traumatic stress disorder , also known as PTSD and combat stress, can also hinder a veteran from filing a claim, thereby causing delay in veterans compensation and veteran's disability benefits . VA Disability...
  • Wrongful Termination Lawyers, Wrongful Termination Legal Help -
    Wrongful termination means an employer has fired or laid off an employee in violation of their legal rights. If wrongful termination law is violated, a wrongfully terminated employee may file a wrongful employment termination complaint with government agencies and/or file a private lawsuit, usually with the help of wrongful termination lawyers . Un...
  • Mortgage Lawsuit News and Legal Information
    Buying a home is stressful enough, but some financial institutions and other organizations linked to home buying fees are accused of predatory lending practices. Among the alleged practices are charging excessive mortgage fees and closing fees , violating the Truth in Lending Act, abusing force placed insurance, illegally foreclosing on homes, and di...
  • Overtime FAQ
    How many hours in a week must I work before I qualify for overtime pay ? If you are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you must receive overtime pay after working in excess of 40 hours in one week. The work week is a period of seven consecutive 24-hour days that begins on the same day each week. It is not necessarily Sunday to Saturday...
  • Unpaid Overtime Pay Legal News and Lawsuit Information
    Employees who work more than 40 hours in a week are entitled to overtime pay , which is one-and-one-half times the regular rate of pay, if the employees are not exempt from pay for overtime . Overtime laws are contained in the United States Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which sets out when overtime kicks in and how much employees must be paid for workin...
  • Fire Accident - Burn Injury, Burn Injury Lawsuit
    Fire accidents can result in catastrophic personal injury and devastating damage. Every year, billions of dollars in property damage occurs as a result of fire . Victims of fire accidents can suffer serious harm, including burn injury to their entire body. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note deaths from fires and burns are the fifth...
  • High-speed Police Chases: Deadly Pursuits
    Aug-10-06 The police want to send a message to criminals - if you break the law you won't get away with it. In fact, you simply won't get away - not if they can help it. This often means dramatic high-speed police chases through our streets. And more and more these chases are ending in serious injury and even death. Is recovering that stolen vehicle worth the lives...
  • Employee Stock Option FAQ
    What is ERISA? ERISA is the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. It sets minimum standards for pension plans in private industry. For example, if your employer offers a pension plan, ERISA establishes when you (as an employee) must be allowed to participate in the plan and how long you can be away from your employment before it affects you...
  • ERISA Lawsuits - Employee Stock Option Lawsuits -
    Employee benefits are an important form of compensation offered by many employers. Some benefits plans are covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ( ERISA ). When employers violate ERISA laws , employees may be able to file a lawsuit to recover money lost from their employee savings plan , employee stock options plan or other be...
  • Energy Drink Side Effects Lawsuits News and Legal Information
    Scientific evidence has shown that Energy Drinks are dangerous: energy drink side effects include energy drink heart attack and even energy drink death . Despite double the amount of energy drink hospitalizations from 2007 to 2011, teens and young adults are the main targets of marketing by energy drink makers. Energy drink lawsuits are on the ri...
  • Energy Drink FAQ
    What are energy drinks? Energy drinks refer to a beverage that typically contains caffeine and carbohydrates as the main ingredients and marketed to the consumer as an easy way of relieving fatigue and improving physical performance. Their purpose is to give an energy boost. The term “energy drink” is not recognized by the U.S. Food and...
  • Accutane Acne Medication Lawyers & Attorneys - Accutane Lawsuit
    Accutane acne medication is reported to have severe side effects including increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), birth defects, depression and suicide. Recently, Health Canada warned about a risk of serious skin reactions. These Accutane side effects have resulted in lawsuits being filed against the manufacturers of the Accutane medication...
  • Cipro Antibiotic Linked to Neuropathy
    Cipro, an antibiotic used to fight infections, has been linked to serious side effects, including an increased risk of Cipro Neuropathy . Other Cipro side effects reportedly include an increased risk of liver toxicity and an increased risk of Cipro tendon ruptures . Cipro (generic name Ciprofloxacin, also known as Ciproxin and Ciprobay) is used...
  • California Labor Law Issues During Coronavirus Crisis
    Apr-8-20 Santa Clara, CA California labor law issues connected with the coronavirus are emerging. Uber and its drivers have continuously fought over misclassification and countless lawsuits have been filed against Uber over whether its drivers are employees or independent contractors. Now Uber drivers are ramping up their case. And Zoom Video...
  • Legal Malpractice FAQ
    What is Legal Malpractice ? Legal Malpractice occurs when a lawyer's services fall below the standard of care; it means a lawyer has been negligent when providing legal advice or representation and has caused harm. Three areas of liability are Negligence (the most common cause of action); Breach of fiduciary duty; and Breach of contract. (St...
  • Legal Malpractice Lawsuit, Legal Malpractice Law -
    A legal malpractice lawsuit can be filed in situations where an attorney has been negligent in his or her dealings with a client, causing harm to that client. Legal malpractice cases involve any aspect of law that involve an attorney giving advice to or representing a client, including contract discussions, patent applications, court cases, insurance cla...
  • Missouri Car Accident - Missouri Auto Accident, Missouri Car Accident Lawyer
    Missouri car accidents constitute a serious threat to the public. Each year, thousands of people are injured and hundreds are killed in a Missouri car crash . These car accidents can result in serious, permanent injury and even death for people involved. People who survive their Missouri automobile accident may face years of rehabilitation and therapy...
  • Missouri Motorcycle Accident - Missouri Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
    Missouri motorcycle accidents are responsible for 10 percent of vehicle-related accidents and injuries, according to reports. Victims in a Missouri motorcycle crash may face high medical bills, time off work and loss of future wages as they recover from their Missouri motorcycle accident. Motorcycles are often involved in accidents because they are small...
  • Train Crash Legal News and Lawsuit Information
    A train crash can happen at any time and, because of the size of the train, can have devastating consequences. The people on the train at the time of the train wreck could face serious, life-threatening injuries. Those who live near rail lines face injury if there is a train derailment involving a freight train. People who regularly drive across train...
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