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  • Legal ADHD Speed - Becoming Drug Of Choice For Americans
    Mar-21-06 A study published online in the February 2006, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, that examined data from a 2002 survey of about 67,000 households, estimates that more than 7 million Americans have misused stimulant drugs meant to treat ADHD, and "substantial numbers of teenagers and young adults appear to show signs of addiction, according to a compreh...
  • Trasylol Patients and Clinical Trial Subjects Beware
    Mar-15-06 Thirteen years ago, the FDA approved Trasylol (aprotinin) for use in patients undergoing heart bypass surgery. In January 2006, doctors, consumer advocates and a medical research group called for the removal of the drug from the market after a study found it to have deadly side effects. Heart bypass surgery is performed to redirect blood around clogged ar...
  • Pfizer Makes List of Worst Corporate Evildoers
    Mar-13-06 On January 3, 2006 the Global Exchange Report named the top fourteen "Worst Corporate Evildoers" in the world for 2005. Pfizer, one of the most profitable drug companies on earth, with sales over $52 billion in 2004, made the list of Evildoers. Pfizer's participation in the cover-up of the deadly side effects of Bextra surely contributed to its membership...
  • Sex Crimes: A Tragic Story of Physical and Mental Abuse
    Feb-27-06 Lisa Tri, from Buffalo, Minnesota was sexually and physically abused by her mother's ex-fiance when she was 10 years old. "He had me so scared that I didn't tell anyone," says Lisa. "Besides, nobody would believe me - he worked for a minimum security correctional facility in Redwing, Minnesota and had me so brainwashed I didn't even tell my Mom until we m...
  • Strattera - 130 Reports Of Suicidality In One Month
    Feb-15-06 A not yet released discussion paper written by the British Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, reveals that last fall, there were 130 reports of suicidality in a single month by patients treated with the attention deficit drug Strattera. In addition, the paper reveals that there have also been more than 760 spontaneous reports of cardiac disorders...
  • SJS - Called A Fate Worse Than Death
    Jan-29-06 Until Susie Orme developed Stevens Johnson Syndrome, it was a condition she read about in medical textbooks and a difficult topic to study for on her postgraduate exams. Susie is a doctor and as such, she was able to diagnose her own SJS. However, "no amount of training could prepare me for the pain ahead," she said. Susie's SJS was a reaction to the a...
  • Drug Marketing Scheme Hits Nation's School System
    Jan-26-06 TeenScreen, the elaborate drug marketing scheme concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and a front group operating out of Columbia University, is being promoted by the Bush administration's recommendation to screen the nation's school population for mental illness. The Bush appointed New Freedoms Commission on Mental Health issued a report in July 2003...
  • Antibiotic Ketek may be linked to severe liver damage
    Jan-20-06 An antibiotic approved by the FDA in 2004 is now under investigation by the agency after reports of severe liver damage in some patients taking the drug. One death has already been linked to telithromycin, which is marketed as Ketek and manufactured by Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals. Another patient needed a liver transplant and a third recovered from dru...
  • Bextra: "If Only I'd known"
    Jan-17-06 Long Island, New York: Barbara Cameron's mother was first prescribed 200 mg of Celebrex once a day, then the doctor said she should switch to Bextra. According to her doctor, "It's better." Josephine Restucci wasn't on Bextra for long. She died. "She just got worse when she took it, says Cameron. "Her bones were more frail, she couldn't even walk and i...
  • Mircette linked to Blood Clots
    Jan-16-06 Sharon (not her real name) discovered a rash on her leg that quickly moved up to her pelvic area and spread down her other leg. At first, Sharon thought she had developed an allergy. By the time she went to the doctor, Sharon was in agony and she could barely walk. She was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis - blood clots - in both her legs. "You could ac...
  • Computer Mouse and Keyboard Injuries
    Jan-9-06 Millions of people depend on the computer for their livelihood, and as they know, two pieces of equipment that are used the most are the computer mouse and keyboard. It is ironic that, in this day and age, technical designers couldn't come up with a computer mouse and keyboard that is user-friendly. Instead, countless people are suffering from hand and wrist...
  • Chaparral Restrictions in Canada
    Jan-3-06 A warning to consumers not to take products containing chaparral (chapparal) has been issued by [ Health Canada ]. The herb chaparral is found in tea, loose leaves, capsules or bulk herbal products and is mainly sold in health food stores. In Canada, the manufacturers/importers are asking retailers to remove products containing chaparral from their she...
  • Dogs Dead from Food containing Aflatoxin
    Jan-2-06 So far, 24 dogs are known dead and countless others seriously ill from eating pet food made by [ Diamond Pet Foods ] at its Gaston, South Carolina facility. The [ FDA ] is currently investigating the deaths and has determined that the pet food was contaminated by Aflatoxin, a deadly toxin that causes liver damage in pets. If you purchased food under th...
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