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  • Advair Deadly for Asthmatics
    Sep-14-06 Reno, NV "My father had been on Advair for approximately four months for his asthma , and told me that the drug had changed his life," says Dave Connors. He didn't realize that it could cause his death. "In Sept of 2002, my father (age 71) had a fatal cardiac episode. He was driving down the street with my mother when they pulled to the side of the...
  • Paxil Category Warning too late for my Baby
    Aug-3-06 "This is what I want to say to GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers of Paxil: How can you let money come before people's lives and well-being and have no conscience?" In 2001, 22-year-old Nancy Jones went to a mental health clinic to seek treatment for anxiety and depression and was prescribed Paxil. Unfortunately, Jones didn't know that she was three mont...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Sued Over Paxil Birth Defects
    Jul-29-06 A lawsuit was filed against GlaxoSmithKline on July 28, 2006, in Philadelphia on behalf of Adrian Vasquez, who was born on April 19, 2004, with birth defects as a result of his mother having been prescribed Paxil during pregnancy. Paxil belongs to the class of antidepressant drugs known as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). At birth, Ad...
  • Lawsuits - Only Weapon Available Against Giant Big Pharma Pushers
    Jul-11-06 Over the past several years, new studies have shown the new generation of psychiatric drugs to be not only extremely dangerous but also ineffective, and the majority of these medications in fact now carry black box warnings about a number of life-threatening side effects associated with their use. The drugs include selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor...
  • Drug Companies Still Peddling Risperdal and Zyprexa For Off-Label Use
    Jun-17-06 According to Kelly O'Meara, author of the newly released book, Psyched Out, America has a drug problem. "It's not as covert as those illicit and illegal "Just Say No" drugs," she says, "but, rather, Americans have become drug users by way of being diagnosed as suffering from one or a number of alleged mental disorders." "Sharing one's feelings with a doc...
  • Drip Drip Drip - Paxil Info Leaks Out
    Apr-25-06 Secrecy agreements in litigation hide information about defective products or a company's negligence, and sometimes go so far as to prohibit the parties from discussing that there ever was a lawsuit. Such is the case with Paxil and as a result, unwitting patients continued to take the drug long after its dangers were known to GlaxoSmithKline. Many lawsuit...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Paxil Monopoly Settlement
    The New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer on behalf of 49 states for allegedly creating a monopoly of its anti-depressant drug Paxil. Glaxo allegedly used frivolous patent infringement lawsuits against generic producers of Paxil to keep the drug's cost higher than necessary. By holding a monopoly for a popular drug, con...
  • Psych Drugs - Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers
    Feb-21-06 Although peddling psychiatric drugs for off-label treatment of every ailment known to man is highly profitable, it is also illegal. Marketing schemes that increase the rates at which drugs are prescribed for off-label use, result in the sale of drugs that have not been proven safer or superior to FDA approved medications already on the market. That said,...
  • Poisoning In the Womb - SSRIs
    Feb-9-06 New research has linked the use of SSRIs during pregnancy to a complication in newborns of a rare but life-threatening lung problem, according to this month's New England Journal of Medicine. Infants born to women who took the drugs in the second half of their pregnancy, had 6 times the risk of developing the disorder, the researchers reported. Only a cou...
  • Drug Marketing Scheme Hits Nation's School System
    Jan-26-06 TeenScreen, the elaborate drug marketing scheme concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and a front group operating out of Columbia University, is being promoted by the Bush administration's recommendation to screen the nation's school population for mental illness. The Bush appointed New Freedoms Commission on Mental Health issued a report in July 2003...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Antitrust Settlement
    With accusations from the U.S. Department of Justice, the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to pay a $150 million settlement for allegedly inflating prices of cancer drugs to maximize profits. With a whistle blower lawsuit from Ven-A-Care of the Florida Keys Inc., the Justice Department was alerted to a potential violation of the federal F...
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