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  • Activists Take on Eli Lilly Over Off-Label Sale of Zyprexa
    Feb-27-07 Washington, DC: On February 23, 2007, a new grass roots advocacy group issued a press release to rally support for attorney, Jim Gottstein, in his legal battle with Eli Lilly over his role in providing secret company documents obtained in litigation to the media to alert the public about the health risks associated with Zyprexa that were kept hidden si...
  • Suicide Risk of Neurontin Kept Hidden for Years
    Feb-27-07 Washington, DC: Neurontin , the all-time poster child for an illegally promoted off-label drug, was marketed by Warner-Lambert and its Parke-Davis division until Pfizer acquired the company in 2000. The term "off-label" means prescribing a drug for indications not listed on the label, upping the recommended dose, prescribing a drug in combination with...
  • Depakote: A Brief History
    Feb-26-07 Portland, OR: Since 1983, Depakote has been marketed in the United States as a medication for the treatment of epilepsy. More than two million Americans have some form of epilepsy, and 125,000 new cases of epilepsy are reported each year. For the drug maker, Abbott Laboratories, sales were brisk, but there were other markets to tap into - also known as "...
  • Depakote Adversely Prescribed
    Feb-15-07 Pewaukee, WI In October 2006, the FDA approved safety labeling changes for Depakote . It warns that Depakote can cause harm to an unborn baby, particularly in the first trimester, and not to use Depakote without your doctor's consent if you are pregnant. For one new mother, the warning may have come too late. Tara Devereaux was taking Depakote and th...
  • Off-Label Depakote Sales Stronger Than Ever
    Feb-11-07 Washington, DC: The epilepsy drug, Depakote , earned Abbott Laboratories $384 million in the 4th quarter of 2006, and overall sales rose 18.5% to $1.2 billion last year. The rising sales are a result of Depakote (valproate) being increasingly prescribed for conditions other than epilepsy like mood disorders, manic depression and migraines. Doctors are...
  • Consequences of Rampant Off-Label Prescribing of Depakote
    Feb-7-07 Washington, DC: The antiepileptic drug, Depakote , is one of the most heavily prescribed medications for off-label use. The Epilepsy Foundation reports that there are an estimated 1 million women in the US with epilepsy, but the number of women being treated with antiepileptics is two to three times higher than the number of women with the disorder. Ex...
  • Depakote Warning: Do Not Get Pregnant
    Feb-1-07 Lexington, NC Back in 1981, Sonja Ashby was prescribed Depakane, similar to Depakote , for epilepsy. Sonja and her husband wanted children but they were warned by her doctor that it could cause severe birth defects so they decided it wasn't worth the risk. Then Depakote came on the market. Fast forward to 1985: "My husband read an article about a docto...
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