Runaway Truck Crushes House, Kills Three

. By Lucy Campbell

Three people have been killed in an accident involving a truck that flew off California State highway 154 and landed on their house, completely crushing it. The dead, a man, woman and child, were inside their home in Santa Barbara County at the time of the accident.

The runaway truck was hauling two trailers loaded with gravel and displaying a sign indicating that it had a 26 ton load in tow. According to media reports its brakes failed, and consequently went barrelling across the freeway onto a nearby street where it hit two parked cars, plunged down a driveway and flew over the nearby embankment to land onto house.

One of the neighbors said a fourth person could be inside the house, but the reports are unconfirmed.

The house was one of two that sat on a lot surrounded mini-storage units, located below the embankment. They were not visible from the roadway.

Santa Barbara County fire Captain, David Sadecki, told the Associated Press that the truck completely flattened the house.

The truck driver escaped with a minor facial cut for which he received medical treatment. It is believed he may have been trying to avoid a nearby hotel when he went into the driveway and over the embankment.