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Hall Financial Services Lawyer Interviews

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Lawyer Interviews provide in-depth legal news and information based on professional interviews with a lawyer specializing in the lawsuit being discussed. These interviews are meant to provide potential claimants with information needed to determine if they should also pursue a legal claim for injuries or losses they may have sustained in a similar case.

Attorney Kevin Harper Offers Mortgage Meltdown Advice for $40

Attorney Kevin Harper Offers Mortgage Meltdown Advice for $40 September 6, 2008. By Brenda Craig.
Phoenix, AZ The Arizona real estate market in the mid 90's got hotter than habanero pepper—homebuyers gulped down some of those "too good to be true" mortgage deals only a few years later to find themselves looking at personal and financial disaster. The phone at attorney Kevin Harper's downtown Phoenix law firm rings constantly, "Yes," Harper says, "we've been pretty busy, there's no doubt about that."
Read [ Attorney Kevin Harper Offers Mortgage Meltdown Advice for $40 ]

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