Dogs Dead from Food containing Aflatoxin

. By Jane Mundy

So far, 24 dogs are known dead and countless others seriously ill from eating pet food made by [Diamond Pet Foods] at its Gaston, South Carolina facility.

The [FDA] is currently investigating the deaths and has determined that the pet food was contaminated by Aflatoxin, a deadly toxin that causes liver damage in pets.

If you purchased food under the brand names Diamond, Country Value, and Professional with the date codes of March 1, 2007 through June 11, 2007 and your pet shows signs of the following symptoms, contact a veterinarian immediately:

� Sluggishness
� Loss of appetite
� Jaundice (yellow whites of the eyes, gums, belly)
� Severe, persistent vomiting combined with bloody diarrhea
� Fever

Diamond Pet Foods recalled a total of 19 brands of dog and cat food on December 21st. According to the company, these products have been distributed to stores in the following states:

Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Vermont, and Virginia.


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