Employers' neglect of the law goes far beyond overtime, includes abuse, study finds

. By Jane Mundy

While lawyersandsettlements.com has shed light on the growing number of overtime lawsuits in [California], workers are exposed to many other kinds of abuse as well.

A new [study] by McMaster's University, (one of the top 100 schools in the world), shows that almost half of American workers face violence, threats, intimidation, mental abuse and harrasment. The study says 47 million workers have felt unsafe in their workplace.

People who deal with the public are the most vulnerable; customers committed 25 percent of the agressive acts. So on top of being denied their overtime pay, customer service workers have to cope with more than angry words being hurled at them; 7.6 percent of incidences involved getting hit with objects or having things thrown at them. Another 6 percent of workers were physically attacked on the job.

Only one thing will reverse these disturbing trends: People standing up for their rights to be paid for their overtime and insisting on a safe workplace. If your employer won't obey overtime laws, or exposes you to any kind of abuse or harassment, it's time to take action. Consult a lawyer, learn your rights, and if you have to, take it to the courts.


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