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Vesuvius USA Corporation Lawyer Interviews

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Lawyer Interviews provide in-depth legal news and information based on professional interviews with a lawyer specializing in the lawsuit being discussed. These interviews are meant to provide potential claimants with information needed to determine if they should also pursue a legal claim for injuries or losses they may have sustained in a similar case.

Attorney Calls BP Texas City Plant to Account

Attorney Calls BP Texas City Plant to Account February 6, 2010. By Brenda Craig.
Houston, TX Attorney Tony Buzbee offered BP a chance to settle, but the company denied that there had ever even been a toxic spill at its plant in Texas City and attacked the credibility of the workers who claimed they had been exposed to dangerous chemicals in April 2007. So, Buzbee and the 10 plaintiffs went to trial. "The jury gave exactly the number I asked for—I would say we were very pleased," he says. "One hundred million dollars is one month's profit at that plant."
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