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Assistant Termination

Lake Elmo, MN: (Feb-27-08) Kimberly Anez, a former Lake Elmo staff member, brought charges against the city, alleging that she was wrongfully terminated, faced sexual harassment and age discrimination while on the job. Records show that in April 2007, the council voted 3-1 to fire Senior Program Support Assistant Kimberly Anez, citing chronic tardiness and the fact that she had allowed two of the city's letters of credit to lapse. Anez, 50, said in her suit that she believes she was forced out for other reasons. On Jan. 22, 2008, she filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that among other things said she was sexually harassed on several occasions by former Lake Elmo Planner Chuck Dillerud in the five years she worked for the city. Several city employees and elected officials independently said they believed there was adequate cause for Anez's dismissal, while also acknowledging that her sexual harassment claims may have had some merit, though many were reluctant to speak about the matter on the record.

As part of a settlement reached in the case, the former Lake Elmo staff member has agreed to drop sexual harassment and age discrimination claims in exchange for a $20,000 settlement and a letter of recommendation. City officials stated that the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust, the city's insurer, will pay $20,000, and Lake Elmo will pay the insurer its $500 deductible. [STILLWATER GAZETTE: FIRED ASSISTANT]

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Published on Feb-28-08


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