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DMV Molester

Redwood City, CA: (Feb-5-08) Four women brought a lawsuit against the state of California, alleging that were fondled by their Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) driving instructor. They claimed that former DMV instructor Calvin Hoang Cat drove the women to isolated parts of the Redwood City hills and groped them. In the original lawsuit, the women demanded that the DMV change its testing policy to allow anyone under 18 years old to be accompanied by an adult chaperone during the driver's test. The suit also demanded that the agency send its employees to sexual harassment seminars and post a notice that Cat and the agency had committed sexual harassment. But those claims were challenged by the DMV and dismissed.

The DMV now has a policy allowing student drivers to request a second examiner in the car if they feel uncomfortable. The lawsuit, which names the state and Cat, claimed that the DMV allowed Cat to continue offering driving tests for more than a month after the agency first heard allegations that the driving instructor was molesting students. As part of a settlement reached, the women will receive a $450,000 payout from the state to resolve allegations. Records show that Cat, 40, was convicted in 2005 of molesting 14 young women and charged with 29 misdemeanor criminal charges, including lewd acts upon a minor and sexual battery. He was sentenced to 725 days in county jail. [INSIDE BAY AREA: DMV MOLESTER]

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Published on Feb-6-08


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