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Fatal Wedding

Port Chester, NY: (Feb-02-08) Julio Saquipay Duchi along with the estates of Blanca Guayllazca and Nellie Mercedes Guanman, brought charges against Los Remolinos, a restaurant owned by Val-Kan Corp., alleging they served excessive alcohol to Mauricio Yanez. Sources stated that Duchi and Guayllazca were celebrating their wedding day at Los Remolinos restaurant in Port Chester on May 9, 2005, when they got into a car with Yanez and his girlfriend, Guanman, the maid of honor. Yanez was driving drunk as he sped up King Street in a 1990 Mitsubishi, lost control and spiraled through the air, knocking down a stop sign and two utility poles. The women were killed instantly. Legal counsel claimed that Duchi, 28, has undergone multiple surgeries. He is still unable to use his dominant right hand, and has had two surgeries on his head to relieve pressure on his brain.

As part of a settlement reached, the insurer for Val-Kan Corp., which owns Los Remolinos, will pay $900,000 to be shared equally by Duchi and the estates of the two women. Additionally, each woman's estate will receive $50,000 from the insurer of the car's owner, Carlos Moran. Duchi will receive $25,000 under the terms of that insurance policy. [LOHUD NEWS: FATAL WEDDING CRASH]

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Published on Feb-4-08


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