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Police Chase

Westminster, CA: (Dec-19-07) The family of 30-year-old Hoang Tan Bui brought a wrongful death lawsuit against the city, alleging that the hit-and-run suspect was shot and later accidentally run over by an officer during a pursuit. The incident occurred when Charles Shinn III, a 14-year department veteran, was trying to question Bui about a hit-and-run incident at Newland Street and Bolsa Avenue. When Bui tried to drive away, Shinn fired into the car, hitting Bui in the shoulder. Bui then drove about a mile, left his car and began running when Shinn clipped Bui at 12 mph with his patrol car. Bui suffered head injuries and died at the scene, pinned under the car and against a tree. Shinn was fired after department officials concluded that Shinn had violated their policies and procedures during the shootout. No criminal charges were filed against him.

As part of a settlement reached, Bui's wife, who filed a $10 million federal civil rights lawsuit against the city and police department, agreed to accept the $950,000 payout from the city. Records show that she had previously turned down a $750,000 settlement offer. [OC REGISTER: FATAL POLICE CHASE]

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Published on Dec-26-07


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