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Clerk Discrimination

Tacoma, WA: (Nov-18-07) Sarah Ortiz, a former University Place city clerk, brought a lawsuit against the city, alleging it discriminated against her. Ortiz, who served as clerk for nearly three years, filed an in-house racial discrimination complaint in 2006. She later alleged that city staff treated her unfairly in retaliation for the original complaint. An investigator hired by the city at that time concluded there wasn't enough evidence to support Ortiz's claims. She stated in her suit that co-workers were critical of her management style, and that office staff created a hostile work environment for her because of her race.

As part of a settlement reached, the city agreed to settle out of court by paying Sarah Ortiz $40,000. City officials stated that University Place will pay $20,000 out of pocket. The other half will be covered by the city's insurance carrier. Half of the settlement represents lost wages; the other half covers her emotional distress. The money also covers some medical and job-training costs. [NEWS TRIBUNE: CITY CLERK DISCRIMINATION]

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Published on Nov-19-07


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