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St Helens Borough Council

Merseyside, UK: (Apr-25-07) Thirty six school dinner ladies filed a lawsuit against St Helens Borough Council in Merseyside, claiming that they had been victimized after they brought equal pay claims against the local authority. Just two months before their claims were to be heard, a senior council official sent two letters, one to the women and the other to all the catering staff, claiming that if they continued their claims and were successful, there would be a severe impact on all staff. The threatening letter warned of redundancies and said there was a danger that the claimants might deprive children of school dinners. The suit filed by the women and 473 others claimed equal pay with male road sweepers in 1998. The House of Lords awarded them £560,000 for their equal pay claim. In their claim for sex discrimination and victimization, the 36 women stand to be awarded up to £10,000 each, adding £350,000 for dinner ladies on top of the £560,000 previously awarded. [INJURY WATCH: GENDER DISCRIMINATION]

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Published on Apr-29-07


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