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University of Colorado

Rocky Mountain, CO: (Apr-20-07) Dr. Robert Schrier, former chairman of the University of Colorado Department of Medicine, sued the university after he was removed from his post without any explanation. The suit alleged that Schrier was wrongfully terminated and retaliated against as he vocally criticized the school's $500 million move to the Fitzsimons campus in Aurora, which he believed would leave the university with enormous debt. The suit also proposed that Schrier be reinstated to his former position as the termination damaged his reputation and came primarily because he was an outspoken defender of his faculty and an opponent of the Fitzsimons move. The four year long litigation ended two weeks before the lawsuit was set for trial, when the University of Colorado agreed to pay Schrier $1 million for legal fees, research funds, and salary concessions. [ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS: CHAIRMAN FIRED]

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Published on Apr-24-07


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I purchased a cake at wal-mart one late evening before going home. As soon as we got home, my children opened and ate the cake while I was fixing dinner and to my surprise, when I wanted to take a piece of the cake, it was full of mold and the kids had already eaten half of the whole cake. I returned it to wal-mart to file a claim and they informed me that even though it is a product liability, Telco foods is responsible, not them.
How to handle the case?


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