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Compass Bank

The US Department of Justice launched an investigation into Compass' automobile lending practices after the Federal Reserve Board, in 2003, found reason to believe that Compass Bank's loan pricing procedures constituted a practice of discrimination. In its complaint, the Justice Department alleged the bank had violated the Equal Credit Opportunity Act by charging car loan co-applicants who were not married higher rates than married couples. In a consent order filed in federal district court in Birmingham, Compass has agreed to pay as much as $1.75 million plus interest to unmarried co-applicants who were charged higher rates. (Jan-15-07) [MILWAUKEE BUSINESS JOURNAL: CAR LOAN DISCRIMINATION]

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Published on Jan-17-07


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Same goes for people who are judged on a credit score and not their ability to pay. I say this only because I just learned that companies are not required to report payments to credit bureau . So if i make my payments to companies that report in a timely manner then my "number" goes up. BUT if i make my payments to companies that dont report my "number" goes down or doesn't change. Common denominator here is 2 people making payments and 1 person bettering themselves and other person not . I got mixed up with payday loans that completely stripped me of ... well myself. I am not the same person I used to be. I am a registered nurse making 65000 dollars a year. I save lives for a living , yet I'm looked down upon by people who make less than I do and tell me no I cant have a loan for 5000 dollars over a period of 5 years because of my credit score, not my ability to pay, which i could pay it off in 3 months easy but I was turned down because they looked at an unfair number that allows a company to control what they want to because this number says I have crappy credit ...... based on who reports. Because that number truthfully would be way different if all of my payments counted. I have a roof over my head which means i am paying 1045.00 a month for rent every month by myself, and payday loans get the rest because they controlled me to the point where I had to reloan because my payment that I paid on time every time was not by choice reported to credit bureau. And now I realize why they chose not to report it ...... if they did , my credit score might go up and god forbid they lose my paycheck every 2 weeks because someone else might loan me money that didn't charge an astronomical amt of interest and they refused to allow that due to the control they now held over me. Any time anyone makes a payment to anyone it should be reported , which would give a fair analysis as to how someone can make a payment. That is fair and without discrimination !!!!


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