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  • Fosamax Warning: I wish I hadn't Taken It
    Jun-11-06 Savannah, GA Penny Jones (not her real name on her lawyer's advice) started taking Fosamax in 2000. "I am an African-American and my doctor said osteoporosis is common for someone my age and build. He told me to take Fosamax because it would make my bones stronger," says Jones. "I didn't realize that anything was wrong at first. I am a small-boned wom...
  • ACE Inhibitors should have been Banned for Pregnant Women
    Jun-10-06 In a group of 209 babies born to women taking ACE inhibitors in the early stages of pregnancy, a recent study published in the June 8, 2006 New England Journal of Medicine, reported that 18 or 7.1% of the infants, were born with serious birth defects. Data for the study were obtained from the Tennessee Medicaid database for the years between 1985 and 2000...
  • Ortho Evra Patch: Lucky to be Alive
    Jun-5-06 "I am very angry, I could have died from taking the Ortho-Evra [birth control] patch and some women have. I am so healthy and normal and I have never smoked. This shouldn't have happened to me." Anna Scott (not her real name pending instructions from the law firm she retained through this website) from Virginia had been on the Ortho Evra patch for about 3...
  • The Cost of Guidant Defibrillator Recall
    May-13-06 "This Guidant Defibrillator recall has caused nothing but grief. Besides being upset and angry, it has cost us so much money. When it malfunctioned, the tech guy from Guidant said they would reimburse us $2,500. What a joke, that's just a drop in the bucket and doesn't even cover our medical bills. Judy Coombs (not her real name pending lawsuit) of Pahru...
  • Retirement Seminar Fraud: Seniors Beware
    May-11-06 There's no such thing as a free lunch. Unfortunately, many seniors are discovering how costly "free" lunches or dinners can be when they are disguised as retirement seminars. Senior investment fraud is on the rise. The obvious reason is demographics: baby boomers are reaching the retirement age; our population is not only aging but seniors are living long...
  • Is Shelf Life Of Zicam Nasal Spray In Jeopardy?
    Apr-17-06 On January 20, 2006, Matrixx Initiatives, Inc, the maker of Zicam cold remedy products , agreed to settle a class action lawsuit by paying out $12 million to 340 plaintiffs, who claim Zicam nasal spray permanently damaged their sense of smell, a condition known as anosmia. In the summer of 2005, Matrixx also settled the only lawsuit that has gone to trial,...
  • Guidant Defibrillators are Disposed Of
    Apr-5-06 The second time Burton Greene's Guidant defibrillator malfunctioned he was rushed to hospital, but it damaged his kidneys. The third time, he passed away. "He was only 60 years old and the doctor said he had many good years ahead," said his wife Lynda. Lynda Greene, Fredericksburg, Virginia: It was January, 2006. My husband came inside the house to res...
  • Corroded Hot Water Valves create Hidden Danger
    Apr-3-06 "We had water down the hallway, in the kitchen, and the living room flooded. Everything was ruined. And it gets worse," says Carla Biffle. "This corroded hot water valve has created more of a disaster than most people realize." Mold starts to grow instantly. The Biffle family now suffers health problems because of it. Carla Biffle, Apache, Oklahoma:...
  • Working at Home Depot: Bigger isn't Better
    Mar-31-06 Home Depot may be one of the biggest home improvement stores, but it certainly needs to improve its employee conditions, especially when it comes to paying overtime. Home Depot also hires as many temporary personnel as possible so it doesn't have to pay overtime or insurance. (This might explain lack of qualified customer service). Melinda Devries (not...
  • A Car Accident changes your Life in Seconds
    Mar-21-06 Trisha Wellman's life turned upside down last November 2005. A friend was driving her to work when a car, driven by a girl without any insurance, side-swiped them, knocking their van off the road and causing them to hit a hydro pole. She is lucky to be alive. "For the first eight days, the doctors weren't sure if I would be paralyzed; I had cracked my ver...
  • Genentech and Biogen Legal Troubles - When It Rains It Pours
    Mar-7-06 Rituxan gained FDA approval in 1997, as a treatment for a certain type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Roughly 12,760 patients in the US have the form of cancer Rituxan was approved to treat. Yet by 2005, sales of the drug grew to $1.8 billion in the US. A lawsuit filed by a former Rituxan salesman explains how this happened. On January 11, 2006, Dow Jones r...
  • Ford Explorers: Or is it Ford "Exploders"?
    Feb-7-06 Ford vehicles are still bursting into flames, often leaving little more than the frame. Some vehicles were covered by the recall and some were not. In one of the biggest recalls of automotive history last September 2005, Ford warned almost four million owners of pick-up trucks and SUVs of possible fires. Ford Explorers should be on its lengthy recall list...
  • Ortho Evra: Two Women's Accounts
    Feb-3-06 Despite the late warning by the FDA, the patch has not been taken off the market! Will more women suffer the agony of blood clots like Maria Urenda and Hillary Burris? Why has it taken so long, so many serious injuries and even fatal deaths for the makers of Ortho Evra to warn consumers? Ortho McNeil, a Johnson and Johnson subsidiary, in conjunction...
  • Vaccinating For Profit - From Cradle to Coffin
    Feb-2-06 Due to the flooding of special education classrooms, along with the rising medical costs of treating injured children, local taxes will soon go through the roof, at which time the public will be forced to face the unthinkable truth about the poisoned generation. And when that happens, government officials had better not even think about trying to feign i...
  • Bactrin: Another Drug Linked to Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)
    Feb-1-06 "Something needs to be done about these drugs that cause Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS), says Jean Farrel McCawley, founder of the SJS foundation. Approximately every third caller to the SJS Foundation has been prescribed the drug Bactrin, and the rate of calls is increasing. "We now get about fifteen new calls a week [from people who have taken this drug...
  • Drug Marketing Scheme Hits Nation's School System
    Jan-26-06 TeenScreen, the elaborate drug marketing scheme concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and a front group operating out of Columbia University, is being promoted by the Bush administration's recommendation to screen the nation's school population for mental illness. The Bush appointed New Freedoms Commission on Mental Health issued a report in July 2003...
  • Unpaid Overtime: Questions answered by a lawyer
    Jan-20-06 From a phone interview with Robin Workman, Trial Attorney, Qualls & Workman, LLP Q: Why would some companies rather pay fines than pay overtime? A: It is simply a cost benefit analysis. From a fiscal standpoint it is more cost effective for some companies not to pay overtime. Companies can roll the dice and they may never get sued. A large corporati...
  • Mircette linked to Blood Clots
    Jan-16-06 Sharon (not her real name) discovered a rash on her leg that quickly moved up to her pelvic area and spread down her other leg. At first, Sharon thought she had developed an allergy. By the time she went to the doctor, Sharon was in agony and she could barely walk. She was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis - blood clots - in both her legs. "You could ac...
  • Ford admission of cruise control fire danger too late
    Jan-11-06 While Ford finally admitted that the cruise control wiring in the F150, amongst others, holds a serious risk of catching fire, it comes too late for some families. Ford refuses the following families compensation saying that, due to the extent of the fire, it cannot be determined what exactly caused the damage. Talk about a Catch-22! Life-threatening...
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