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  • Benzene Litigation Similar to Early Days of Asbestos and Tobacco
    Nov-1-06 Los Angeles, CA: Legal analysts say that the recent surge of benzene lawsuits is beginning to resemble the early days of asbestos and tobacco litigation. CFO Magazine reports that company CFOs and corporate attorneys "foresee a flood tide of benzene suits, including cases that have nothing to do with occupational exposure." CFO quotes Insurance Inf...
  • Benzene and Butadiene Lawsuit Help and Legal Information
    Benzene and butadiene are classed by various organizations as being human carcinogens, meaning they cause cancer or help cancer grow. Benzene side effects include benzene cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome and benzene leukemia, including acute myelogenous leukemia. Benzene lawsuits have been filed by experienced benzene lawyers against the manufacturers...
  • Benzene a Known Carcinogenic
    Aug-13-07 Fayettville, NC It might be in the contaminated soft drink you're gulping down on a hot day, in the water you're using to make coffee. It might be in the very air you breathe. Benzene is a known cancer-causing agent - and you'd be surprised to know just how prevalent the stuff really is. In fact, benzene ranks among the top 20 chemicals produced, and...
  • The Benzene in your Beverage could Kill You
    Jul-23-07 Sugar Creek, MO: Benzene is a word you should get to know--especially when the same chemical that goes into the manufacturing of things like insecticide and petroleum, starts to show up in soft drinks. Benzoic acid is used as a preservative in a host of consumer soft drink products. In its original state, benzoic acid is thought to be harmless. How...
  • Benzene linked to Soft Drinks
    May-10-07 Chicago, IL "My wife died from myelodysplastic syndrome, that could only have been caused by exposure to benzene ," says Dr. Todd Molis, "and the only way she had prolonged exposure to benzene was from drinking so much cola." In 2004 Judy Molis was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, (MDS, formerly known as "preleukemia") which affects the blast...
  • Benzene: Carcinogen found in Soft Drinks
    Oct-22-06 Rockville, MD Two different studies have found the carcinogen benzene in some soft drinks . In both studies, the drinks had benzene levels higher than five parts per billion (ppb), the federal limit set for bottled water. In May 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it found benzene in some samples of soft drinks. The five drink...
  • Benzene: What is it Good For?
    Oct-28-06 Detroit, MI: Benzene is found in soft drinks and spray cleaners, in the auto industry and food manufacturing. Who asked for benzene in their soft drinks and their workplace anyway and how did it get there? Certainly not Patricia Pirillo-Green's father who died of leukemia, or Mark Smith who suffers from chronic asthma. Let's start with the soft dr...
  • Shell Faces More Benzene Leukemia Lawsuits
    Aug-4-11 Roxana, IL Shell Oil faces another lawsuit alleging the company knowingly exposed residents of a small town to benzene side effects without adequately warning residents that their air and water were being contaminated. The plaintiff alleges he developed benzene leukemia, and that Shell knew about the link between benzene and cancer for years but minimi...
  • New Law Passed after Benzene Leak
    May-15-07 Indianapolis, IN A new law has been passed to protect Indiana residents from leaking underground chemicals, including benzene. The new law sets regulations for informing the public about dangerous chemical spills and also sets out who is financially responsible for cleaning up the spills. If the governor approves the legislation it will take effect July...
  • World Health Organization wants Benzene Out
    May-6-07 Boston, MA As part of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the World Health Organization called for the removal of dangerous carcinogens, including benzene , from the workplace. The agency reported that at least 200,000 people die every year from work-related cancers, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and bladder cancers- the most common types...
  • New Video and Studies Cast Doubt on SoCalGas Progress
    Jan-19-16 January 17, 2016, Los Angeles (Press Release): On its Aliso Canyon Information Center homepage, SoCalGas features two press releases. One is about the relocation efforts; the other is called “Gas Leak Estimates Reduced by 60-Percent.” Such a significant-sounding drop may suggest that the crisis is being quickly addressed, but there seems to be more to...
  • Benzene Found in Drinking Water and Even Soft Drinks
    May-17-10 Dish, TX Benzene gets a bad rap, and for good reason. It is a known carcinogen, and it causes serious problems when it gets into the air or the water. Such is the case for the residents of Dish, Texas, who live near a natural gas refinery located there. According to the 5/16/10 edition of the Star-Telegram, benzene became a concern in January when a st...
  • Benzene Clean-up Expensive for Texas Oil Company
    May-2-07 Port Arthur, TX The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced that Total Petrochemical USA Inc. must pay a $2.9 million penalty and upgrade pollution controls at its Port Arthur, Texas, refinery, as the result of alleged violations of the Clean Air Act. The upgraded pollution controls (which will cost an estimated $37 million) will reduc...
  • Town Sues BP and Shell for Cancer, Cancer Risk and Collapsing Property Values
    Jul-5-11 Chesterfield, MO Roxana, Illinois, population 1,547, is a tiny little klatch of wood frame homes resting along the Missouri border, some of them built not more than 500 feet from the site of the Shell Oil refinery that sprang up there at the beginning of the 1900s. Most of the families in Roxana have been there for decades and they once went to sleep at...
  • Texas Jury Awards $8.2M Against DuPont In Benzene Exposure Case
    Oct-23-15 Dallas, TX, October 20, 2015 - A jury has awarded $8.2 million to a 60-year-old Texas man battling MDS/AML, a form of leukemia caused by his exposure to benzene contained in paint and thinners manufactured by E.I. Du Pont De Nemours. Virgil Hood handled DuPont’s toxic products on the job daily in Colorado between 1973 and 1996, when he worked as a pain...
  • Water Contamination Lawsuit News and Legal Information
    Alarmingly, water contamination is increasing, causing harm to thousands and thousands of people and the environment. Environmental laws are in place to protect us and environmental law policy prohibits the dumping of toxic waste or other hazardous materials in our lakes, rivers, streams, and public land. But new chemicals used in fracking by natura...
  • Roxana Property Owners’ Benzene Contamination Lawsuit Moves Forward Against Oil Refinery Owners
    Sep-6-13 Illinois Federal Court Grants Class Certification, Rejects Shell’s Attempts to Dismiss Case... ALTON, Ill., Sept. 5, 2013 (Press Release): Property owners in the Village of Roxana filed suit last year against Shell Oil Company, ConocoPhillips and WRB Refining LP, seeking to hold the former and current owners and operators of the Wood River Refinery...
  • Benzene Contamination Lawsuit Filed in Roxana IL
    Mar-21-12 Alton, IL (Press Release) The Simmons Firm, a national litigation firm known for handling complex toxic exposure cases, filed suit today on behalf of the Village of Roxana, IL, against Shell Oil Company, ConocoPhillips, and WRB Refining LP. The Village alleges damages stemming from carcinogenic chemicals released from the Wood River Oil Refinery. Relea...
  • Benzene from Gulf Oil Spill a Concern for Workers and Residents
    Jun-21-10 Fourchon Beach, LA Those tasked with cleaning up the massive BP oil spill , as well as those who live in the vicinity of the spill, are concerned about exposure to benzene . Tests conducted by BP on workers engaged in cleaning up the spill reveal that some have already been exposed to the carcinogen. According to the 6/11/10 issue of Greenwire, a...
  • Deceptive trade practice suit ends with soft drink replacements and a payout to plaintiffs.
    Deceptive trade practice suit ends with soft drink replacements and a payout to plaintiffs. Atlanta, GA: (May-14-07) In a series of lawsuits filed against the Coca-Cola Co., the world's largest beverage maker was accused of using ingredients in two soft drinks, Fanta Pineapple and Vault Zero, that can form cancer-causing benzene. The lawsuits alleged t...
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