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  • "Is Employer's Abuse a Violation of the California Labor Law?"
    May-13-09 Santa Barbara, CA: Joy's employer hurled verbal abuse at her constantly, starting the first week at her new job until she quit four months later. "I'd like to know if he has violated the California Labor Law ," says Joy. "In the meantime, a lawyer has contacted me and I am looking for another job. Even if there is no compensation for me, I would like the...
  • Concerns after Raptiva Withdrawal
    May-6-09 McComb Township, MI Withdrawing Raptiva from the market due to the possible risk of developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has left many psoriasis sufferers anxious and concerned. Some users of this psoriasis drug have been taking it for several years and are just now finding out that they might be at risk. Scott F. has unexplainable...
  • Fen-Phen User's PPH Misdiagnosed as Asthma
    Sep-25-09 Cartersville, GA Since 1996, Barbara has been suffering from symptoms similar to asthma; her breathing problems began shortly after taking Fen-Phen. But after countless tests and thirteen years later, Barbara found out that she didn't have asthma as her doctor initially diagnosed: instead she is suffering something much worse: Primary Pulmonary Hypertens...
  • Heparin Contamination Left Doctors Scrambling for Answers
    Apr-24-09 Costa Mesa, CA Brenda G. (not her real name) believes she suffered a severe reaction to Heparin contamination. She did not receive a Heparin injection, instead she was given a Heparin IV. In fact, she was given a Heparin IV for 2 hip replacement surgeries, and both times she experienced life-threatening side effects. Now, Brenda wonders why it took so lo...
  • Angioplasty TVAM, Doctors and the FDA
    May-19-17 Washington, DC: Angioplasty was designed as a safe alternative to open heart surgery, but a procedure using balloon angioplasty devices called transvascular autonomic modulation (TVAM) is not safe, which the FDA has warned of repeatedly. Some doctors, however, believe its benefits outweigh the risks involved. The agency in March 2017 issued a war...
  • Former CNN Producer Gets Green Light to Proceed With Discrimination Claim
    Aug-20-19 Los Angeles, CA: Former Emmy-winning producer Stanley Wilson filed an employee discrimination lawsuit against CNN, as a violation of California labor law , back in 2014 and the case has wound up in the California Supreme Court, partially overturning a previous court decision allowing CNN to wield California’s anti-SLAPP statute to dismiss Wilson’s la...
  • Transvaginal Mesh Collateral Damage Too High for TVM Settlement
    Jan-21-18 Houston, TX: Although Jordan will receive compensation from Boston Scientific for transvaginal mesh injuries, she says the settlement cannot cover the collateral damage suffered not only by her injuries but also by her family. Jordan suffered from pelvic organ prolapse after childbirth back in 2007 so upon her doctor’s advice, she had the tran...
  • Se vincula a Cymbalta con defectos cardíacos cóngenitos y HPPR
    Cymbalta (duloxetina) se encuentra dentro del grupo de drogas conocidas como ISRSN (inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina/norepinefrina, similares a los ISRS) y es un antidepresivo utilizado en el tratamiento de la depresión y la ansiedad. Se ha vinculado a los ISRS con graves efectos secundarios, entre los que se incluyen d...
  • Negativa a proporcionar beneficios del Seguro de Salud a Largo Plazo
    Más de ocho millones de clientes en Estados Unidos han comprado pólizas de atención médica a largo plazo y la cifra crece, la generación nacida entre 1945 y 1964, después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, están a la vuelta de la esquina. Estos seguros constituyen un negocio multi-millonario, que otorga grandes ga...
  • Retiro del mercado de lavadoras de carga frontal Maytag y Samsung
    El 21 de marzo de 2007, el Comité Estadounidense de Seguridad de Productos de Consumo dispuso el retiro de aproximadamente 250.000 lavadoras marca Maytag y alrededor de 20.000 marca Samsung (ambas lavadoras de carga frontal) debido a un posible riesgo de incendio. A la fecha, Maytag recibió cinco informes y Samsung recibió uno sobre...
  • Trusts and Estates: Be Careful Who You Trust
    Jul-28-08 Charlotte, NC As the largest wave of baby boomers—now just hitting retirement—advance through old age, there will be a virtual flood of wills, estates and family trusts flowing to banks over the next three decades. The question is, for whom will they be working? You, or themselves? That's the billion-dollar question. Or should we say, the trillion...
  • Reglan Side Effects "Frightening"
    Mar-3-09 Flushing, NY Shelee H. says she may have been suffering from Reglan side effects for the past year but never realized it. She was prescribed the drug Reglan 2.5 years ago, following gastric bypass surgery. About one year ago she began to develop facial tics without realizing they were metoclopramide side effects. "I had gastric bypass surgery on July...
  • Dignity Health Poised to Settle ERISA Lawsuit for $100 Million
    Jul-30-19 San Francisco, CA Dignity Health has agreed to pay $100 million to settle a proposed class action ERISA lawsuit that accused it of using a undeserved religious exemption to justify underfunding its pension plan by $1.5 billion. The proposed settlement would require Dignity Health to add $50 million in retirement plan funding in 2020 and at least $50 mill...
  • Did a Massive Dose of Heparin Cause Stroke?
    Feb-8-09 Kooskia, ID In 2004, Bertha suffered a heart attack—she was rushed by helicopter to the heart attack unit at Sacred Heart in Spokane, Washington and was immediately given 4,000 units of heparin . Right after receiving the heparin injection, Bertha had a stroke—she believes it was because they administered too much of the blood-thinning drug. ...
  • Requip Put Mother in Rehab
    Feb-7-09 Ocean Springs, MS Chris M. has her name on a list so she can't step into a casino without being arrested—her choice. However, in the right frame of mind, she wouldn't have chosen to gamble: the prescription drug Requip made that decision for her. Requip compulsive gambling has become a huge problem for people suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome and Pa...
  • Investigación sobre ejecuciones hipotecarias relacionadas con las viviendas Beazer
    Se han iniciado dos acciones judiciales colectivas contra la empresa Beazer Homes USA Inc., con sede en Atlanta, una por parte de residentes de Carolina del Norte y otra por parte de compradores de acciones de Beazer. La enorme empresa constructora de viviendas ha sido acusada de (1) no revelar datos sobre sus prácticas crediticias, y (2) de haber uti...
  • Promoción de cheque en blanco para tarjetas de crédito Capital One
    Capital One, durante la temporada previa a la Navidad de 2006, envió a sus tenedores de tarjetas una oferta en la que prometía "efectivo extra" y "navidades sin problemas". Capital One remitió cheques en blanco junto con su material publicitario y alentó a sus clientes con la siguiente frase: "dense el g...
  • Abogado especializado en la enfermedad cardíaca valvular provocada por Dostinex
    El Dostinex (cabergolina) se utiliza para tratar el síndrome hiperprolactinémico, ciertos problemas hormonales (exceso de prolactina), y para reducir o prevenir la producción de leche materna, excepto después del parto. Esta droga también puede ser utilizada para tratar el mal de Parkinson, prolactinomas y para ajust...
  • Daño ambiental
    Los casos relacionados con la Ley Ambiental pueden incluir una amplia variedad de eventos asociados con el consumidor tales como la contaminación, los derrames químicos, el vertido de desechos tóxicos, la destrucción de humedales, la urbanización, los desechos sólidos, la utilización de los recursos natu...
  • Denied Social Security Disability Is Debilitating
    Feb-19-13 Stone Mountain, GA Donna says she doesn’t know exactly why Social Security denied disability benefits. One thing she does know, however, is that she should have had an attorney experienced in wrongfully denied disability claims by her side in the courtroom. Her problems started in 2005. Donna had back surgery for a work-related injury but didn...
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