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Stryker OP-1 Putty Legal News Articles & Interviews

Stryker OP-1 Bone Filler Anything but Putty in a Surgeon’s Hands

Stryker OP-1 Bone Filler Anything but Putty in a Surgeon’s Hands February 22, 2016. By Gordon Gibb.
Washington, DC: In 2012, Online Legal Media senior writer Jane Mundy first recounted the story of April Cabana, who underwent what she thought to be routine back surgery in 2008. However, the procedure left her permanently disabled. Why? Allegedly due to the use of Stryker OP-1 Putty Linked to Adverse Events, in tandem with another product, Calstrux.
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Stryker OP-1 Putty Linked to Adverse Events

Stryker OP-1 Putty Linked to Adverse Events January 10, 2016. By Gordon Gibb.
Middlesex County, MA: It would come as no surprise that the use of any product that augments and actually fosters the growth of bone has to be used with extreme caution, lest bone growth occur where it isn’t wanted, or in an area that could cause a patient harm. To that end, a lawsuit alleging Stryker OP-1 Putty linked to adverse events claims that Stryker promoted a use for OP-1 Putty that was not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
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Stryker Biotech Off-Label Lawsuit

Stryker Biotech Off-Label Lawsuit December 17, 2012. By Jane Mundy.
Los Angeles, CA A California woman thought she was going to have routine back surgery in 2008 after suffering a herniated disc from a car accident. Instead, she allegedly took part in a human “research project” without her knowledge. April Cabana was implanted with two Stryker Biotech medical products, OP-1 Putty and Calstrux, both of which were used off-label. As a result, she is now permanently disabled.
Read [ Stryker Biotech Off-Label Lawsuit ]

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