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Tysabri Associated with More Cases of PML

Drug Considered High Risk

A Biogen Idec spokesperson confirmed Thursday that two people using Tysabri, the company's multiple sclerosis drug, have contracted progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).

PML is a potentially fatal brain disease, and several cases were reported after the initial launch of the drug in 2004/2005. As a result, Biogen pulled the drug from the market. However, they re-introduced it in July 2006 with stringent treatment guidelines, and prominent warnings about the risk for PML. According to the US labeling, one in every 1000 patients could develop PML. Approximately 13,900 patients have been taking the drug during the past 12 months, with 6,600 on Tysabri for at least 18 months.

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If you or a loved one has contracted PML from taking this drug, please click the link below to send your complaint to a lawyer to evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
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