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Family Law

Family Law lawyers can evaluate cases involving child custody, spousal support, common law, adoption and same sex marriages. A divorce lawyer can help you understand your rights and also help with child custody, visitation rights, pre-marital agreements, hearings and appeals and cohabitation contracts. An attourney can also help you if you have been the subject of domestic abuse or if you have been falsely accused of domestic abuse.


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The Importance of Due Diligence During a Divorce
The Importance of Due Diligence During a Divorce
April 26, 2024
The divorce process can be stressful and complicated and it's undoubtedly one both parties will be keen to wrap up as soon as possible. Despite the tensions, the complex legal language, and the need to make pressing decisions regarding your finances, living arrangements and possible custody of your children, it is essential to negotiate the terms of your divorce to ensure an outcome that safeguards your interests in both the immediate and long term. READ MORE

Ohio Cop Arrested under Suspicion of Domestic Abuse
Ohio Cop Arrested under Suspicion of Domestic Abuse
January 16, 2010
A Columbus-area police officer was arrested this week on allegations of domestic abuse stemming from an incident at his ex-wife's home in nearby Delaware County. READ MORE

Child Support Offenders Owe "Millions of Dollars"
Child Support Offenders Owe "Millions of Dollars"
January 14, 2010
Deadbeat parents owe millions in support payments to children in West Virginia, and attorney Charles "Rusty" Webb is doing his level best to make sure they pay up. He recently filed a legal malpractice class action lawsuit against the State Bureau of Child Support Enforcement, alleging that it is negligent in its duty to aggressively pursue parents who ignore court orders to make child support payments. READ MORE


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First I'd like to tell you that I live in CA, we follow non-fault divorce law. Every asset and debt acquired during marriage is 50/50, doesn't matter who spent the money.

My soon-will-be-ex husband is a man who doesn't know what "budget" means and is a control freak. He borrowed money behind my back without telling me, then later told me that we are married and I have no choice but pay half of it. we have join account ever since we got married, now I don't have a single penny, don't even have money for lawyer fee, he does it to me so I don't leave him.

I'm an immigrant without any family member in CA, nor in the states. His father is a doctor with some money, he lie and lie to his father to dig some money for his own benefit and pleasure, but insist that I pay half of the debt which is about 300,000.00. I could have killed myself just to think about it, how am I going to pay for that?

Please help me here, I'm a mother with two minor children 5 and 3 years old, I have no money to move out and live, not to mention supporting my two young kids.

This CA 50/50 family law totally just killed me. Is there anyway I can challenge him infornt of the court or I should pack my bag and move to the shelter? Non-fault divorce is for two mature and respectful paries only, totally not fair in my case, there must be a way to prevent people like my husband when they come out with this law right?! I won't give up, and to all the women out there, remember always have a separate account and never to lose your financial independency.

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My spouse and I just recently got divorced. I unfortunately got the proverbial "shaft", as it were. At first she was cheating on me with other women. Not long afterward, she started cheating on me with other men, as well. As soon as I found out about this, I tried to calmly confront her about it. She refused to listen to reason, and demanded a divorce. She persisted in this, as long as I wouldn't let her do whatever she wanted, just as her father always has.

Now you might ask why is it that I was the one who wound up on the losing end. She has money in her family. Now when I say that, I mean that her father is very rich, and likes to let her get her way. In other words, he tends to spoil her.

He bought her the best divorce lawyers that money could buy.

After the divorce was final, I lost everything: our house that my parents left me, my mid range sports car, my job, and even my pet dog. The underlying fact that I had all of these things before I was married, really made little difference.

The reason that I lost my job, was that her father pulled some strings, and my boss told me that he had no choice but to fire me. The reason that he gave was that her father is a very rich, and powerful man. My boss told me that it was either his job or mine.

I think that he must have bribed the judge, due to that she was granted the sole ownership of my pet dog, Baxter. Baxter had been my pet for five years before we were married. Presently, she probably ignores poor Baxter, like she always had. I'm sure that her family either simply keeps him in a cage, or locked in a dim basement. They undoubtedly have their butler feed him once per day, and I have no reason not to belive that they otherwise quickly forgot all about Baxter.

I now live with my cousin, and his family. They're helping me get another job, as well as to put my life back together. Did I mention that I've been ordered to pay her half of my paychecks for the rest of my life?
That particular injustice is despite that she presently lives with her parents in their mansion.

Now that she is divorced, her parents have no problem letting her have men, and women both over to their house to sleep with her.

While we were married, she would meet single men, and, or women at their homes, while I was at work. She insisted on not working, while pretending to play the role of an innocent housewife.

I certainly think that her parents should have taken the responsibility to teach her that no one is entitled to whatever they want all of the time. Well, that is merely my opinion. I am the man who once loved her, treated her like a lady, and was good to her. What she gave me was a ruined life.


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