Parents Say Young Boy's Twitching Is Due to Reglan Side Effects

. By Heidi Turner

Reglan side effects are more difficult to detect in infants than in adults. After all, how can a person tell if an infant's behavior is altered by Reglan side effects when he or she is just starting out in life?

Susan M. says her son was on Reglan for two years, starting when he was between 6 and 12 months old. Since his second birthday, has displayed movements that Susan feels are not normal for a child.

"When he was little, he was put on Reglan because he had a lot of acid reflux problems," Susan says. "Now he is seven. He does these things where he'll put his hands up and twitch them. Doctors tell us that it is normal and he'll grow out of it but I've never seen this before. When he gets excited, he makes these grimacing faces that I've never seen a child make.

"The doctors say he is fine mentally and physically. They say that his hand mobility and strength are a bit lower than normal, but they say he's fine. The thing is, he's seven now, and he still hasn't grown out of this.

"My husband and I read about the Reglan, and it made us think that's what happened to our son. We've always looked for answers as to why this happened. Neither one of us put two and two together until now.

"This has been going on for years now and it's daily with him. Every day he does something with the hand twitching and the grimacing. He doesn't really know he's doing it—it just happens when he's thinking a lot or when he's excited. Usually, if we can get his attention, we can get him to stop.

"Lately, he's also been stuttering a lot.

"We have another son who is 15 months older and he has never done anything like this. He also has never been on Reglan. The doctors tell us this is normal, but we know it's not. We even thought he was autistic, but the doctor said that he isn't, that it's a muscle tone problem.

"I wish we had known this could have happened. We had no idea that this was a side effect. We wouldn't have used Reglan if we had known."

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