City Councilman Equates Crackdown on Strip Clubs to Racial Discrimination

. By Charles Benson

Officials within the city government have been attempting to pass ordinances that would shut down strip clubs in Detroit, a motion that City Council President Charles Pugh equates with racial discrimination.

Appearing on a religious radio program, Pugh claimed that the crackdown on the 33 clubs within the city limits was unjust and that officials had targeted these businesses unduly. During the interview the city councilman twice referenced to the civil rights movement to support his arguments.

"You're making a judgment about what's being sold. Some people made a judgment against African-Americans having the audacity of walking in the front door," Pugh said, as reported by the Detroit News. "I'm talking about discrimination. I'm talking about targeting laws against law-abiding businesses."
Pugh's comments came only hours after a contentious debate with Reverend Martin L Winans at the city council chambers over the crackdown. Winans and his supporters want to impose laws that would ban so-called VIP rooms, require strip club employees to be licensed and relegate performers to an 18-inch tall stage, effectively banning lap dances.

Pugh believes that the council's efforts would be better served policing these establishments to cut back on crimes within and around strip clubs.

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