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  • Black Outs Power company to pay $17 million settlement in electricity lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Salesman Prejudice Car dealer to pay $149,500 settlement in harassment lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Landfill Cleanup Old Bridge, NJ to benefit from $20 million settlement in environmental lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • 10 Months Lost Innocent man to get $581,700 settlement in wrongful conviction lawsuits. (Apr-25-08)
  • Nuclear Waste Spill CH2M Hill pays $500,000 settlement in Hanford lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Gold Mine Pollution Wharf agrees to $149,300 settlement in environmental lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Polygraph ExaminerGettysburg to pay undisclosed settlement in harassment lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Market Timing Gabelli Funds to pay $16 million settlement in mutual fund lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Police Harassment Sylvan Lake to pay $300,000 settlement in employment lawsuit. (Apr-25-08)
  • Mis-Accused of Murder County to pay $400,000 settlement in civil lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Police Gender Bias University to pay $175,000 settlement in discrimination lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Fast Ferry Terminal Rochester to pay $400,000 settlement in operation agreement. (Apr-24-08)
  • San Bruno Jail Construction company to pay $23.4 million settlement in building lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Five Priests Named Bridgeport Diocese to pay $37.7 million settlement in assault lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Inmate Medical Neglect City to pay over $300,000 settlement in wrongful death lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Jail Beating County to pay $3 million settlement in assault lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Backdated Stock Options Broadcom to pay $12 million settlement in securities lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Insufficient Notice School district to pay $37,505 settlement in employment lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Street Painter Ordinance City pays artist $250,000 settlement in First Amendment lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Tax Overassessment Dynegy to pay $4.3 million settlement in energy lawsuit. (Apr-24-08)
  • Pollution Permits Violations Landfill pays $18,900 fine as settlement for clean air lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Catalyst Spill Pollution Refinery to pay $20,000 settlement in environmental lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Tidal Water Dredging Marina to pay $7,500 settlement in development lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Police Brutality Denver, CO to pay $75,000 settlement in wrongful arrest lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Bald Eagle Protection Developer to pay $6 million settlement in building permits lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Contaminated Waterway Garlic processor to pay $60,000 settlement in water pollution lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Six Die in Fire Cook County to pay $9 million settlement in wrongful death lawsuits. (Apr-23-08)
  • Fraudulent Reports Garbage company to pay $450,000 settlement in waste services lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Money For Nothing Mortgage rescue company to pay over $980,000 settlement in fraud lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Tainted Concrete Ford to pay $300,000 settlement in construction lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • George Wallace Firing Hampton pays $450,000 settlement in discrimination lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Bankruptcy Fraud Accounting firm to pay $261,565 settlement in SEC lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Unauthorized Trading Alaron to pay $299,295 settlement in commodities lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Air Quality Violations Energy company to pay mare than $60 million settlement in pollution lawsuit. (Apr-23-08)
  • Inspection Contracts Philippines Government to pay $147.6 million settlement in receivables lawsuit. (Apr-22-08)
  • Going, Going, Gone eBay consignor to pay $165,000 settlement in merchandise lawsuit. (Apr-22-08)
  • Prison Pregnancy Settlement reached in $10 million abused inmates lawsuit. (Apr-22-08)
  • Landslide Damage Marin County to pay $525,000 settlement in property owners lawsuits. (Apr-22-08)
  • 420 Tons of Pollution Holly Corp. to pay $17 million as settlement in environmental lawsuit. (Apr-22-08)
  • Diagnostic Imaging Olympus to pay $2.3 million settlement in patent infringement lawsuit. (Apr-22-08)
  • Loan Balance Due Rossford to pay $50,000 settlement in creditor lawsuit. (Apr-21-08)
  • Hard Rock Hotel Plans Developer to pay $35,000 settlement in environmental lawsuit. (Apr-21-08)
  • Homes Never Built Builder to pay $1.6 million settlement in real estate lawsuit. (Apr-21-08)
  • Environmental Violations Fuel company to pay $6.5 million settlement in compliance lawsuit. (Apr-21-08)
  • Fire Damages Marina Yacht company to pay undisclosed settlement in insurance lawsuit. (Apr-19-08)
  • David Hasselhoff Divorce Baywatch star reaches settlement in family lawsuit. (Apr-19-08)
  • Police Sergeant Fired Bentleyville to pay $110,000 settlement in wrongful termination lawsuit. (Apr-19-08)
  • Agent Cons Homeowners Republican Delegate agrees to undisclosed settlement in real estate lawsuit. (Apr-19-08)
  • Insurance Denials Unum Group agrees to pay $676 million settlement in claims lawsuit. (Apr-18-08)
  • Disabled Discrimination Wal Mart to pay $300,000 settlement in employment lawsuit. (Apr-18-08)
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