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Dog Bite Victim Awarded $210,000

This is a settlement for the Dog Bites lawsuit.

Los Angeles, CA: The owners of a retriever-mix that bit a woman in 2009 have agreed to pay $210,000 in damages in a personal injury suit. Chelsea Jacobson was visiting Albert, Margaret and Jake Joseph Vita in the backyard of their home and petting their dog when the dog snapped and bit her in the face.

Depiste the Vitas arguing that Jacobson provoked the dog by blowing in its face or kissing it, Jacobson was awarded the settlement, claiming that the incident occurred suddenly and without warning. She suffered lacerations to her lips and has a quarter-inch scar in the middle of her upper lip. She said she is self-conscious of the scar and will need revision surgery.

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Published on Nov-17-10


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