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Supreme Court Employee Discrimination

Fulton County, GA: (Oct-16-07) Jerome Calvert, a former Superior Court employee, brought a lawsuit against the county, alleging that he was harassed and forced out of his job after supporting a political opponent of the former clerk. Calvert had filed federal civil rights claims against former clerk Juanita Hicks; her former deputy and now the current clerk, Cathelene "Tina" Robinson; and another employee, Phyllis Brown. The suit stated that Calvert suffered harassment after his public support for Hicks' 2004 election opponent, Lewis Pittman, become known. He was labeled and reprimanded for tardiness, absenteeism, and insubordination, and eventually dismissed for disloyalty.

As part of a settlement reached, the county agreed the settle the lawsuit by paying Calvert $210,000. Hicks, Robinson, and Brown sought to have the case dismissed on the grounds that they had been acting in their official capacities, but US District Judge William Duffey Junior held they could be sued in their individual capacities, a decision upheld by the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals. [WMGT NEWS: POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION]

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Published on Oct-17-07


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