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Guide Dog Housing Discrimination

Camden County, GA: (Oct-08-07) The US Department of Justice brought a lawsuit against Herbert Bolt, his wife, Betty Bolt, and their son, Herbert Bolt Jr., owners of two Camden County apartment buildings, alleging housing discrimination. The suit claimed that the defendants turned away a visually impaired person using a guide dog. The suit charged them with violating the federal Fair Housing Act by refusing to lease a Hickory Plantation apartment to the potential renter using a guide dog in November 2006 and January 2007. The Bolts own and manage Hickory Plantation apartments in St. Marys and Willow Way apartments in Kingsland. The federal agency stated that a guide dog is not a pet, and it is a federal offense to discriminate against someone who has a service animal.

As part of a settlement reached, the Bolts agreed to pay $55,000 in federal penalties and compensation for housing discrimination. Chief US District Judge William T. Moorehey ordered that the family pay $35,000 to compensate victims at Hickory Plantation and Willow Way and pay $20,000 in civil penalties to the government. [FLORIDA TIMES UNION: HOUSING DISCRIMINAITON]

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Published on Oct-9-07


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