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Williams Refining Co.

Memphis, TN: (Mar-13-07) Williams Refining Co, a Memphis, TN based petroleum refinery, came under the Environmental Protection Agency's scanner after investigations showed that the refinery failed to comply with regulations intended to prevent benzene emissions, a chemical that Congress has labeled a hazardous air pollutant under the CAA. Williams Refining has agreed to resolve all allegations that it failed to comply with CAA standards regarding leak detection and repair regulations on equipment in its refinery. The agreement also resolves assertions that it failed to properly store hazardous waste as required under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and one violation under the Clean Water Act for an oil pipeline rupture. It has also agreed to compensate for damages with a $2.2 million pay out in civil penalties. [PR NEWSIWRE: BENZENE EMISSIONS]

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Published on Mar-15-07


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