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Thousands die during Heart Surgery but the Cause of Death is not always known

Patients don't know what drugs and devices are used on them during heart surgery, but some professionals blame heart surgery drug Trasylol for kidney problems and death.

New York, New York - According to the American Heart Association, there are approximately 6 million heart operations performed each year. Heart-related deaths account for more than one million deaths per year and a large fraction of these are in-hospital deaths.

Recently, numerous patients and health officials have made allegations against Trasylol for patient kidney failures and deaths. The drug Trasylol is administered by injection during heart surgery, specifically cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, to stop or prevent excessive blood loss.

One study, led by the Ischemia Research Foundation, examined 4,374 heart surgery patients worldwide and found that patients who had Trasylol used during surgery had double the risk of experiencing kidney failure, heart problems, stroke, or brain disease.

Unfortunately, heart surgery patients may or may not be aware if Trasylol was used during their surgery. Find out more and file a complaint if you or a loved one suffered adverse side effects during or after heart surgery.

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