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North Carolina Lawyer Interviews

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Lawyer Interviews provide in-depth legal news and information based on professional interviews with a lawyer specializing in the lawsuit being discussed. These interviews are meant to provide potential claimants with information needed to determine if they should also pursue a legal claim for injuries or losses they may have sustained in a similar case.

Embarq Yanks Retirees' Benefits

Embarq Yanks Retirees' Benefits January 13, 2011. By Brenda Craig.
Durham, NC They might be retired, but that doesn't mean they're going to lie down and take it. A group of former employees, whose retirement benefits were covered by a contract with the communications giant Embarq, have launched a national class action to have their medical and life insurance benefits restored.
Read [ Embarq Yanks Retirees' Benefits ]

Understanding Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

Understanding Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis July 26, 2010. By Heidi Turner.
Boston, MA Patients who have been diagnosed with Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) know how devastating the disease can be, but many don't know what causes it or how to treat it. In this two-part series, we interview John Dalimonte, partner at Karon & Dalimonte, about MRI contrast agent side effects, causes of NSF and how patients often end up misdiagnosed.
Read [ Understanding Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis ]

Homecare Nurses Sue Gentiva

Homecare Nurses Sue Gentiva May 25, 2010. By Brenda Craig.
Washington, DC Home healthcare provider Gentiva has been hit with an overtime lawsuit alleging its compensation plan shortchanges its thousands of nurses and physiotherapists across the US. "It is an unusual pay scheme," says attorney Christine Webber, who filed the suit on behalf a group of nurses from North Carolina and New York State. "Certain activities are done on an hourly basis; other activities are on a fee basis, other activities they don't count at all."
Read [ Homecare Nurses Sue Gentiva ]

Denture Creams Linked to Health Problems

Denture Creams Linked to Health Problems July 2, 2009. By Heidi Turner.
Wilmington, NC People who regularly use denture cream, including Fixodent, PoliGrip and Super PoliGrip adhesives might be surprised to learn that the products have been linked to a risk of health problems including neurological issues. In fact, a study published in the journal Neurology, in 2008, has found a link between overuse of denture creams and a risk of zinc toxicity. That has prompted lawsuits against the makers of denture creams, alleging consumers should have been warned about the risks of these products.
Read [ Denture Creams Linked to Health Problems ]

Hidden Overtime: Interview with Wage and Hour Lawyer Greg Jones

Hidden Overtime: Interview with Wage and Hour Lawyer Greg Jones April 22, 2009. By Jane Mundy.
Willmington, NC Wage and Hour lawyer Greg Jones says that many people are unaware of overtime laws; they don't realize that issues such as donning and doffing or unpaid meal periods may constitute overtime. "Most people think of overtime as working more than 40 hours a week, but there are other types of overtime that aren't apparent, and a lot of these employees are getting screwed," says Jones.
Read [ Hidden Overtime: Interview with Wage and Hour Lawyer Greg Jones ]

Attorney Kevin Harper Offers Mortgage Meltdown Advice for $40

Attorney Kevin Harper Offers Mortgage Meltdown Advice for $40 September 6, 2008. By Brenda Craig.
Phoenix, AZ The Arizona real estate market in the mid 90's got hotter than habanero pepper—homebuyers gulped down some of those "too good to be true" mortgage deals only a few years later to find themselves looking at personal and financial disaster. The phone at attorney Kevin Harper's downtown Phoenix law firm rings constantly, "Yes," Harper says, "we've been pretty busy, there's no doubt about that."
Read [ Attorney Kevin Harper Offers Mortgage Meltdown Advice for $40 ]

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