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Pain Pump Lawyer Interviews

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Lawyer Interviews provide in-depth legal news and information based on professional interviews with a lawyer specializing in the lawsuit being discussed. These interviews are meant to provide potential claimants with information needed to determine if they should also pursue a legal claim for injuries or losses they may have sustained in a similar case.

Attorney: Shoulder Pain Pump Manufacturers "Did Not Warn About the Risks"

Attorney: Shoulder Pain Pump Manufacturers "Did Not Warn About the Risks" October 25, 2010. By Heidi Turner.
Boston, MA For patients dealing with post-operative shoulder surgery pain, the shoulder pain pump might have seemed like the answer to their prayers. The pain pump, used following surgery to repair a shoulder injury, was designed to apply medication directly to the area affected by pain. Unfortunately, some patients developed a serious condition following use of the pain pumps after shoulder surgery.
Read [ Attorney: Shoulder Pain Pump Manufacturers "Did Not Warn About the Risks" ]

Attorney Eric Chaffin asks if your Shoulder Clicks, Pops or Grinds?

Attorney Eric Chaffin asks if your Shoulder Clicks, Pops or Grinds? October 24, 2008. By Brenda Craig.
New York City, NY Researchers for the American Journal of Sports Medicine were alarmed by what they saw. For years, doctors had used arthroscopic shoulder surgery to treat conditions like floating or torn cartilage. It is a minimally invasive type of procedure believed to have few risks and was followed up with a shoulder pain pump.
Read [ Attorney Eric Chaffin asks if your Shoulder Clicks, Pops or Grinds? ]

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