CIGNA Denied LTD Legal News Articles & Interviews
Pennsylvania CIGNA Denied Disability Lawsuit Seeks Compensation

Johnstown, PA: A CIGNA long term disability lawsuit filed in September has been proposed as a class action on behalf of all persons who may have been adversely affected with regard to the handling of disability benefits by CIGNA Health and Life Insurance Co.
Read [ Pennsylvania CIGNA Denied Disability Lawsuit Seeks Compensation ]
Former NFL Player Files Insurance Lawsuit

Charlotte, NC: It's not just the little guy who has his long term disability insurance claim denied by insurance companies. Even professional athletes who suffer debilitating injuries can fall victim to insurance company denials. Now, a former NFL player who had his career ended prematurely by a concussion has filed a lawsuit against an insurance company he says was supposed to protect him in exactly this situation.
Read [ Former NFL Player Files Insurance Lawsuit ]