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Celexa Legal News Articles & Interviews

Celexa Lawsuit Results in Settlement with Idaho

Celexa Lawsuit Results in Settlement with Idaho August 26, 2012. By Gordon Gibb.
Boise, ID The widely-held position by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that drugs are considered acceptable for use if the benefits for the intended patient outweigh the risks, has never been debated more stringently than with SSRI antidepressants and their relationship to pregnant women. Specifically Celexa (Citalopram), and the potential for Celexa birth defects.
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Study Suggests Link Between Antidepressant Use and Premature Birth

Study Suggests Link Between Antidepressant Use and Premature Birth July 11, 2012. By Heidi Turner.
Nashville, TN A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (5/2/12) suggests a link between use of antidepressants such as Celexa while pregnant and an increased risk of premature birth. Although the study does not examine the risk of Celexa birth defects or defects linked to other antidepressants, it does raise the issue of Celexa side effects in infants, and the effects of other antidepressants on newborns exposed to the drugs prior to birth.
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Studies Suggest Celexa Birth Defects Link, but Results Conflict

Studies Suggest Celexa Birth Defects Link, but Results Conflict October 3, 2011. By Heidi Turner.
San Antonio, TX When it comes to pregnancy, there is a great deal of debate over whether women should be concerned about things such as Celexa birth defects. The debate comes in part because unlike with alcohol or smoking during pregnancy—which have been consistently shown to cause harm to a fetus—studies on Celexa side effects and other medication side effects in infants have been inconsistent. Although some studies have shown that SSRIs such as Celexa are linked to birth defects, other studies have not found the same results, leaving women wondering what medications, if any, they can take while pregnant.
Read [ Studies Suggest Celexa Birth Defects Link, but Results Conflict ]

Pregnant Women Weigh Risks and Benefits of Celexa

Pregnant Women Weigh Risks and Benefits of Celexa June 13, 2011. By Heidi Turner.
Dallas, TX When it comes to weighing the risk of Celexa side effects against the risk of untreated depression during pregnancy, women could be forgiven for finding the information confusing. Although there is reportedly a risk of Celexa birth defects, including a link between Celexa and PPHN (persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn), there are also risks to having untreated depression. The result is that pregnant women may not know what they can, or should, do.
Read [ Pregnant Women Weigh Risks and Benefits of Celexa ]

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