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Illinois Woman Pleads Guilty to VA Benefits Fraud

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Rockford, ILA Rockford, Illinois woman recently pleaded guilty to federal charges related to VA benefits fraud, the Rockford Register Star reports.

span itemprop="image" itemscope itemtype="" style="display:block">According to the news provider, Jeannine E. Snider, 66, admitted to making false statements on a US Department of Veterans Affairs pension form and subsequently receiving more than $43,000 in fraudulent benefits between 2000 and 2007.

Snider is alleged to have made false statements claiming she was married to an Army veteran who died in May 2000, according to the news source. On the application for benefits, Snider reportedly claimed that the pair had been married in Mexico in 1986, but the couple was never legally married.

In addition, Snider admitted that she made a number of inaccurate statements about her prior work history, including saying she was unemployed during periods when she actually had a job.

As a result of the guilty plea, Snider reportedly faces a possible sentence of up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, the news provider said.


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If you're going to defraud someone, you should do it the right way. Get their social security number and then their DD 214. eVetRecs is the place to start. The VA shells out millions for claims each year. Grzegorz Jachura is a good example. He and Caroline have survived by defrauding others.

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Ya well they sure point out when they believe someone has frauded the system but how about the billions the VETS have been frauded out of money for benefits they are due? Denial of benefits is a HUGE FRAUD against all vets everywhere! There should be a law against THAT fraud!

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They sure are quick about when someone dings them but they sure don't put too much in it when they ding the hundreds of thousands of others. This women probable was married to this guy but since it was not a USA marriage certificate they are not going to recognize it. She probable was washing clothes for others, or babysitting, or God forbid caring for an elderly person for room and board, and they consider that a JOB.

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I heard she got probation and 3 months home montering. the lightest sentence you could recieve. the judge didnt want to give her even that , and there was a marriage but it wasnt legal. there is always 2 sides of a story which isnt always made public. actually she is a very nice lady.

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maybe this lady lived with the vet for many years and thought she was married. i dont know why she lied about income but why did the govt let her collect these benfits for so long. she is to old for jail so what a lady will do in the name of love.


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