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Legal Analysis: McDonald’s Fails to Overturn $6,000 Judgment

Legal Analysis: McDonald’s Fails to Overturn $6,000 Judgment May 22, 2024. By LAS Staff Writer.
Euclid, OH In a notable legal battle involving a giant fast-food corporation, McDonald's faced a significant setback when a court refused to overturn a $6,000 judgment against it. This case arose from a distressing incident where Ursula Washington Russell was assaulted by an employee while at a McDonald’s drive-through in Euclid, Ohio. The ramifications of this case highlight crucial legal principles such as excusable neglect and the proper service of process, providing valuable lessons for businesses on handling legal notifications and internal procedures.

Read [ Legal Analysis: McDonald’s Fails to Overturn $6,000 Judgment ]

Plaintiffs in Class Action ERISA Lawsuit Allege Breach of Fiduciary Duties

Plaintiffs in Class Action ERISA Lawsuit Allege Breach of Fiduciary Duties January 23, 2018. By Gordon Gibb.
Denver, CO: An ERISA lawsuit was filed at the end of November in Colorado alleging mismanagement of a stock fund that resulted in losses for the defined contribution plan participants.
Read [ Plaintiffs in Class Action ERISA Lawsuit Allege Breach of Fiduciary Duties ]

Ohio Firm Loses Petition to Have SEC Lawsuit Dismissed

Ohio Firm Loses Petition to Have SEC Lawsuit Dismissed October 21, 2017. By Gordon Gibb.
Washington, DC: An Ohio-based chemicals and roofing company accused of gouging the federal government following an investigation resulted in an SEC whistleblower lawsuit that defendant RPM International attempted to have dismissed. On September 29, however a federal judge in Washington declined to dismiss, and the whistleblower lawsuit will move forward.
Read [ Ohio Firm Loses Petition to Have SEC Lawsuit Dismissed ]

Attorney Files Equifax Class Action Lawsuit

Attorney Files Equifax Class Action Lawsuit September 25, 2017. By Jane Mundy.
San Jose, CA: In the wake of an Equifax data breach that occurred in July but reported this September, attorneys at Oakland, California- based Scott Cole & Associates have filed a lawsuit seeking class action status against the credit reporting agency. This digital disaster could potentially affect up to 175 million Americans, and millions of people worldwide, including the U.K. and Canada.
Read [ Attorney Files Equifax Class Action Lawsuit ]

Study Finds That People With Lowest Incomes Pay Most in Bank Overdraft Fees

Study Finds That People With Lowest Incomes Pay Most in Bank Overdraft Fees April 11, 2017. By Deb Hipp.
Philadelphia, PA: A recent study has found that the largest percentage of bank overdraft fees are collected from bank customers who earn the lowest incomes.
Read [ Study Finds That People With Lowest Incomes Pay Most in Bank Overdraft Fees ]

New Report Shows 10 Banks Account for 67 Percent of Overdraft Fee Revenue

New Report Shows 10 Banks Account for 67 Percent of Overdraft Fee Revenue February 28, 2017. By Deb Hipp.
Boston, MA:A recent report revealed that out of more than 600 banks, 10 of those banks accounted for a huge percentage of all reported bank overdraft fees revenue collected through the first three quarters of 2016.
Read [ New Report Shows 10 Banks Account for 67 Percent of Overdraft Fee Revenue ]

California Overtime and the Almost Final Rule

California Overtime and the Almost Final Rule December 24, 2016. By Jane Mundy.
Sacramento, CA: Time’s Up—or is it? As of December 1, 2016, California employers must adhere to the “Final Rule” that may affect about 400,000 workers who previously were not entitled to California overtime pay. But a federal judge has put the rule on hold…
Read [ California Overtime and the Almost Final Rule ]

Wells Fargo Fake Bank and Credit Card Account Fraud Revealed

Wells Fargo Fake Bank and Credit Card Account Fraud Revealed September 8, 2016. By Lucy Campbell.
Santa Clara, CA: Wells Fargo is facing $185 million in fines, after authorities uncovered millions of fraudulent bank and credit card accounts set up by bank employees in order to boost or hit sales targets. Further, the employees also made up PIN numbers and email accounts in connection with the false accounts, to get people to sign up for online banking services, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said in a statement.
Read [ Wells Fargo Fake Bank and Credit Card Account Fraud Revealed ]

Robocall Lawsuits Spike, Business Calling for Relaxation of Rules

Robocall Lawsuits Spike, Business Calling for Relaxation of Rules June 29, 2016. By Gordon Gibb.
Washington, DC: As the American Chamber of Commerce and other business interests lobby for an update and relaxation of guidelines governing robocalls and telemarketing, the Attorney General for the State of Indiana has launched a nuisance call lawsuit against a medical supplies company.
Read [ Robocall Lawsuits Spike, Business Calling for Relaxation of Rules ]

Counterfeit Duracell Batteries Purchased on

Counterfeit Duracell Batteries Purchased on February 3, 2016. By LAS Staff Writer.
Los Angeles, CA (February 2, 2016) (Press Release): Walmart® (WMT) has a significant advantage in marketing its goods through global name recognition and consumer perceived credibility. Consumers place their confidence in, and rely on the global giant’s credibility, especially when the retailer is an authorized retailer of a particular product. But, sometimes that confidence may be misplaced.
Read [ Counterfeit Duracell Batteries Purchased on ]

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